Ware County, GA

Ware County, GA is illustrative of how a red county can have votes altered to allow Democrat victory in statewide races.

There is evidence that Ware County had double scanned ballots and flipped votes. 1% of the county total vote was double scanned to give Biden more votes in 2020.  It appears that Ware County and many counties in Georgia 2020 did not have operational control of the machine count or the hand count while using the Dominion tabulators.

Jeff Fulgham @jeffmfulgham

New Update May 16, 2024: Fulgham v. Ware County Board of Elections concerning 2020 evidence of flipped votes and fake double-scanned ballots

It's now been over 6 months since I first provided evidence to Ware County officials showing them that their 2020 records contained fake double-scanned ballots which were "scanned" (or digitally reproduced?) 5 days after certification when the physical ballots should have been locked away. 

The Chairman of the Ware BOE, Danny Bartlett, could not explain the evidence. I eventually sued for information only (not even asking for $1 dollar in damages) requesting an explanation of how this happened. 

Ware County Attorneys have apparently advised their clients to remain silent. Yesterday, we received Ware County's second response and on both occasions they failed to provide answers or show any evidence which would contradict the records I provided to Superior Court and the Ware County Sheriff. There is also evidence of flipped votes. I'm not sure what flipped the votes, or whether it was machine programming or manually altered. I'm only stating that candidate totals flipped in a batch of ballots. 

My warning to fellow citizens in Georgia and nationwide:

I've conducted extensive research for the past 3 years. In my Georgia research I've worked with highly qualified professionals. I'm telling you that many counties in Georgia 2020 did not have operational control of the machine count or the hand count. 

The only way that county officials can truly verify the accuracy of these machines is with a county controlled hand count of 100% of the ballots following the machine count. The RLA (risk limiting audit hand count) they're using is a scam in which the counties upload their votes into software and then someone in a Deep State organization tells the county that the hand count matched the machine count. 

Keep in mind that citizen researchers and investigators have already proven in SEB cases 2021-181 and 2023-025 that the the Fulton hand count was manipulated with thousands of fake votes and the machine count contains 3,000 fake double scanned ballots and thousands of missing ballot images. 

I'll close by saying that if Ware County officials cannot explain the evidence, this will confirm that the counties do not have operational or sovereign control of our elections.
