Federal vs State Programs
Limited Federal Government
The Constitution's 10th Amendment places government activity and responsibility at the STATE level unless specified. America has ignored this amendment for the last 100 years or so.
Conservatives should no longer ignore the leviathan that is the Federal Government. Past efforts to curb government size and growth (Reagan in '80, Gingrich in '94) were modestly successful in the short term, but failed longer term.
Why the failure? Bureaucracy is like a weed. If not pulled out at the root it grows back bigger than ever. Pruning doesn't work. Slowing growth in funding for an agency, or even cutting funding, still leaves the agency alive and ready for a growth spurt as soon as the political winds change. We must eliminate entire agencies and programs, including the government bureaucrats.
Return the US Federal Government to its Constitutional purpose by Transferring Programs to the State level. Per the 10th Amendment, all functions not specifically given to the Federal government by the constitution shall be the responsibility of the States or the people. It's time we followed our own constitution!
This approach is described in more detail in Chapter 20 : Solution - Return to the Constitution.
For example, take Food Stamps or the welfare program of your choice.
The agency(s) administering the program is eliminated at the federal level in 6 months.
During this period, the states create a state program to take over.
States may choose to hire federal workers from the old agency.
During months 6-12 the states receive the money that would have been spent at the federal level in a block grant.
No federal restrictions as to how the money is spent.
The block grant should be distributed via state population - 1 share per congressional representative.
In Year 2, there is no more federal expenditure.
Federal income taxes are correspondingly cut.
States may have to raise state taxes to continue with the program, or the state could drop the program - it is up to the state.
Why is this governing approach good?
The functions are the responsibility of the States as specified in the constitution.
This gives people maximum liberty. Citizens can choose the level of government they desire in each state.
It is more efficient. It is easier to administer to 5-10 million at state level than 300+ million at the federal level.
States are more fiscally responsible than the federal government.
A typical attack: People will starve!
Reply: Why would the Governor of "XYZ State" let his citizens starve???
Beneficial Effects:
Liberty is enhanced. Citizens are free to move to a state that suites them. What Texas does doesn't affect California and vice-versa.
Competition between states will act as a check on poor government. Let a state tax the rich at high rates and see how many stay. Offer high welfare, and welfare recipients will flock to that state. Have a superior education system? parents will move there.