Infrastructure Investment Stakeholder Group

Group 2: Infrastructure Investment will focus on infrastructure investments that are needed on the transit system itself and in communities around stations and stops to make transit more accessible and appealing. This group will work toward goals, strategies, and performance measures to address two plan outcomes including

  • A transit system that is in a state of good repair (How do we maximize benefits of infrastructure investment and use limited resources effectively to maintain the system today while planning for tomorrow?)

  • A region of thriving communities (How do we work with communities to improve access to transit and support equitable development around transit?)

Recommendation Memo

The Infrastructure Investment Working Group Recommendation Memo is available for comment until July 29, 2022. Please return all comments to your group facilitator.

Meeting materials

Meeting 6 (June 29)

Meeting 5 (June 15)

Meeting 4 (June 1)

Meeting 3 (May 18)

Meeting 2 (May 4)

Meeting 1 (April 20)

Defining the Plan Principles

Six months of public engagement and stakeholder discussions have informed a vision, principles, and six desired outcomes for the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA)’s next regional transit strategic plan. Defining the principles of Equity, Stewardship and Committed to Change is critical to guiding the discussions, developing strategies, and ultimately achieving the outcomes. The RTA has developed a Principle Discussion Tool with definitions and key questions that will be used to help evaluate ideas proposed during the working groups.


Learn more about being a member of the RTA Working Groups in the other working groups in the Stakeholder Participant Guide. Members of this group include:

  • Peter Fahrenwald, RTA (Group Facilitator)

  • Heather Mullins, RTA (Group Facilitator)

  • Jill Leary, RTA

  • Nadine Lacombe, RTA

  • J.D. Ross, RTA Board of Directors

  • Claire McGuire, CTA

  • Christina Bader, CTA

  • Brian Stepp, Metra

  • Katelyn Renteria, Metra

  • Kris Skogsbakken, Pace

  • Dave Tomzik, Pace

  • Martin Menninger, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

  • Dominick Argumedo, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

  • Shoun Reese, Illinois Department of Transportation

  • John Donovan, Federal Highway Administration

  • Kyle Whitehead, Active Transportation Alliance

  • Roberto Requejo, Elevated Chicago

  • John Loper, DuPage County

  • Jackie Forbes, Kane County

  • Michael Fricano, West Central Municipal Conference

  • P.S. Sriraj, University of Illinois-Chicago

  • Bethany Williams, Lake County Partners

  • Audrey Wennink, Metropolitan Planning Council

  • Cindy McSherry, Urban Land Institute

  • Pamela Tate, Climate Reality Project - Chicago Metro Chapter

  • Kimberly Saunders, Barrington Area Council of Governments

  • Kevin Artl, American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois

  • Roosevelt Moneyham, RM Chin and Associates

  • Jamie Osborne, Chicago Department of Planning and Development

  • Rick Harnish, High Speed Rail Alliance

  • Heidy Persaud, Center for Neighborhood Technology/Transit Equity Network (TEN)

  • Juan Carlos Linares, Association House

  • Edith Makra, Metropolitan Mayors Caucus

  • Deloris Lucas, Golden Gate Homeowners Association; We Keep You Rollin'

  • Melvin Thompson, Endeleo Institute

  • Jonathan Snyder, North Branch Works

  • Jeremy Cuebas, Northwest Center