RTA Working Group Hub

This site is for members of working groups for the 2023 Regional Transit Strategic Plan

Transit is the Answer adopted by RTA Board of Directors

Transit is the Answer was adopted by the RTA Board of Directors in February 2023. This Working Group Hub site will remain live as a record of engagement conducted to develop the plan during 2022. Memos developed by the Working Groups are listed as related documents on the plan page above or can be found on the Working Groups Products page.

Read the plan at https://www.rtachicago.org/region/transit-is-the-answer

This group will focus on the quality of transit service and the rider experience and related implications for the transit system to be used as a tool to impact regional climate change.   

This group will focus on investments that are needed on the transit system itself and in communities around stations areas to make transit accessible and appealing.    

This group will focus on how to achieve a regional transit system that is financially stable for the next generation and effective in connecting people to opportunity.

Codes of conduct

All participants are invited to engage in respectful, constructive dialogue, active listening, and mutual learning. The RTA and working group members agree to uphold Codes of Conduct while participating in the process.