Flying Field Rules

Rock River Aeromodelers Society Field Rules

The Rock River Aero Modelers (RRAMS) field rules are in place to ensure we operate a safe, courteous and fun flying environment for its members, guests and spectators. We require that all members and guest pilots adhere to the following rules. Members failing to willfully comply with the rules will be subject to progressive discipline in accordance with the Club’s By Laws. Guests failing to willfully comply with the rules will have their flight privileges immediately revoked. Everyone’s cooperation and support is greatly appreciated.



When you have multiple planes in the air at the same time everyone flies the pattern. The pattern is defined as low to medium altitude oval track style laps in the direction based on wind. Aerobatics and such can be done while pattern flying as long as it keeps you moving in the direction of the pattern or you call out anything that will not keep you "in the pattern"


If you see anyone not following these rules please politely ask the other member to follow the guidelines the club has provided. If you are the person being asked to follow them please understand it is purely for safety and nothing more. 

For any questions on safety of the field or if anyone sees any of these rules being broken please contact the club Safety Officer, Jon Seese 

A printable version can be found here: Rock River Aero Modelers Society Field Rules

UPDATED 6/23/2023      Version 1.5