Lego WeDo 2.0


WeDo 2.0 is a robot created by the Lego company. It can be used with the Lego WeDo app that integrates construction plans, a programming platform and projects for the classroom. A WeDo kit contains one programmable hub, a motor and two sensors.

  • Can be used in preschool.

  • Easy connection to the app.

  • Step-by-step construction.

  • Computer or tablet programming (easier with the tablet).

  • The app proposes various activities to learn how to use the robot.

Adapted from RÉCIT CSMV

Quick Tutorial

Targeted audience: Elementary cycle 1, cycle 2

Material: Tablet, One Lego WeDo Kit per team, Lego WeDo App



Pair up.

Take one Lego WeDo 2.0 kit.

Open the Lego WeDo app on the iPad.

Click on Classroom projects.

You can use another device to read the instructions during the challenges.

Follow the steps to create the following projects:

Step 1: Glowing Snail

      • Follow the steps to build your snail.

      • Program the snail as shown in the app.

      • Once it is done, you can add or remove other blocks to explore even more.

      • It's time to challenge yourself with the snail.

Step 2: Milo the Science Rover

      • Follow the steps to build your science rover.

      • Put Milo on the floor.

      • Program the rover as shown in the app.

      • Once it is done, you can add or remove other blocks to explore even more.

      • It's time to challenge yourself with Milo.

Step 3: Milo's Motion Sensor

      • Follow the steps to build the motion sensor.

      • Program the motion sensor as shown in the app.

      • Once it is done, you can add or remove other blocks to explore even more.

      • It's time to challenge yourself with the motion sensor.

Ideas for the ESL Classroom

  • Read a story with special characters. In pairs, students create a Lego robot to represent it and animate it with images, sounds and actions. (example of book)

  • In pairs, students give oral instructions on how to build their imaginary robot.

  • A student writes a short descriptive text and his partner represents it in a robot and a sequence of actions.