Waterfront Tax Advocacy Project

Any questions can be directed toward taxconcerns@RiversideRI.org

The Riverside Renaissance Movement believes that the unconscionable increase in house assessments and property taxes experienced in 2016, which seems to target waterfront properties exclusively with increases of 40-60%, will be a significant detriment to the health, environment, prosperity, and desirability of our community.

Since this past summer, residents have been going through the process of appeals with the City of East Providence. The RRM has played a critical role in providing education on the adverse effects of heavy tax increases on community development and in providing forum for discussion between the City & affected residents. Feeling unsatisfied with the result of their appeals, some affected residents have came together (independently of the RRM) to pursue a lawsuit against the City.

The role of the RRM has been to gather data, educate and to advocate around the issue and options available to the community (and to gather funds for this purpose). Much of this has been through bringing residents, community organizations, and elected officials together for the purpose of sharing such knowledge and to promote negotiations to avoid a lawsuit.

At our recent meeting, the RRM Board voted that if members of the community pursue a lawsuit that an account separate from the RRM should be established under the attorney to collect funds for this purpose. It goes well beyond the role and scope of the RRM as an organization to be involved, named, a beneficiary or contributor, or otherwise, in a lawsuit such as this. This lawsuit must be brought forth, funded and organized by private community members.

Regardless of the community’s expressed intent to move forward with the lawsuit, the RRM will continue in our role of providing education and resources in order to promote negotiations and discussion between the City of East Providence and community ultimately aimed at resolving this issue as soon as possible.

**If you need financial assistance to help afford your tax increases, RI has a "Hardest Hit" Fund to help keep people in their homes. Please go to http://www.hhfri.org/Programs/ to see if you might quality**

A copy of the Global Appraisal as well as a report on the data that was collected going door to door can be found with the documents at the bottom of this page.

Any questions can be directed toward taxconcerns@RiversideRI.org


What is the Riverside Renaissance Movement?

The RRM is an association of residents, business owners, nonprofits, and elected officials who are invested in improving and revitalizing the Riverside neighborhood of East Providence. The group was founded in 2012 and has grown to over 200 members. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a volunteer Leadership Board. For more information, see our About Us page or Facebook page.

What is the Waterfront Committee?

Waterfront community members have been organizing themselves for the past 4-5 months since the City originally sent out appraisals conducted by Vision Government Solutions to be used as a basis for Property Taxes. Recently, the group has joined forces with the RRM given the shared mission of pushing for City Government to address the problem of unfair property tax increases.

Who leads the Waterfront Committee?

Deborah Gonzalez, Jason Rafferty (Director of the RRM), Thom and Kim Higgins, Mike Akkaoui, Sue Arruda, Tabatha Glavin

Any additional questions can be directed toward taxconcerns@RiversideRI.org


IMPORTANT: Sign the petition against the outrageous tax increases in Riverside

City Maps:

A link the RRM statement on the property taxes is below with the other documents.

Sign Up for the Riverside Renaissance Movement's Email List by emailing info@RiversideRI.org with your name and address.

Links to documents with updates and additional information below: