What We Do


Riverside Square Beautification and Development

Status: Active

The Square is our “downtown” and possess much potential for small business development. The RRM will continue to support small business growth through “Buy Local” campaigns, advocating with city planning, educational opportunities, and other activities. The RRM continues to advocate for “work-live” space that promotes a “downtown” atmosphere within Riverside Square. Overall, our interest is in attracting developers and business owners that not only invest in the community, but also who have an interest in being engaged.

Sewer Treatment Plant Smell

Status: Active

The plant is located right as people enter Riverside Square (driving or biking) from the North and the foul odor becomes the “first impression.” There has been success in understanding what is causing the odor and some initial interventions aimed at reducing it (with varying success). The RRM will continue to work with city officials and the Suez managers to address this problem.

Status: In Progress

In 2016, the RRM, with the help of residents and businesses, beautified Riverside Square with decorative street signs. We want to keep going! Buy a sign!

Status: In Planning Stages

This year the RRM aims to expand beautification efforts beyond Riverside Square to the proximal Willett Avenue business district facilitated through upgraded Street Signs and an Adopt-an-Island initiative.

Education Initiative

Status: In Progress

The RRM has been a supporter of educational programming provided through our educational committee in partnership with other organizations, particularly the EP Library, St. Brendan’s Church, the City of East Providence, local businesses, and other organizations. We aim to launch our first courses focusing on starting a small business, opportunities in publishing and writing, and others.

Access to Nutritious Food

Status: Active

The RRM has long been an advocate for addressing hunger in the community, and the recent needs analysis for the Community Development Office further suggested that there is a large unmet need for quality, fresh produce and nutritious food options in our community. The RRM aims to work with the City Planning Dept to explore options to address this need.

Looff Carousel Advocacy

Status: Active

The Looff Carousel is a hallmark of our community and a living museum to the history of our region. Over the years, it has experience much wear and tear, and is in critical need of attention. The RRM will advocate for ongoing preservation efforts, including current plans to make the Carousel more economically viable to cover needed repairs and maintenance.

Vamco Property Advocacy

Status: Active

The VAMCO site continues to be a large vacant plot in the heart of Riverside Square that currently is an unmaintained eye-sore. Given its history as the site of a factory, there are challenges to re-development, but the site also possesses tremendous potential. The “Buckett’s Building” in the heart of the Square and home to numerous small businesses is also for sale. The RRM will help market these properties and will attempt to engage future owners in community development efforts.

Other Initiatives:

  • Community Safety
  • Waterfront Environmental Health
  • Repurposing/Reopening Oldham School
  • Affordable Housing
  • Advocate for Reform for Mid-Size Development
  • Promotion of the Arts

Past Initiatives

Sabin Point Cleanup

RRM would like to, once again, see Sabin Point as a swimmable beach. We have worked with RI DEM and the city planning department to reinvigorate beautification to the area. A floating dock was installed in 2014, and a stormwater rain garden was installed in fall of 2017.

The Riverside Renaissance Movement believes that the unconscionable increase in house assessments and property taxes experienced in 2016, which seems to target waterfront properties exclusively with increases of 40-60%, will be a significant detriment to the health, environment, prosperity, and desirability of our community.


RRM holds a monthly meeting on the first non-holiday Monday of the month at Riverside Congregational Church from 6:00PM to 7:30PM. All are welcome.

To submit New Business, please email info@RiversideRI.org by the Thursday prior to the scheduled monthly meeting. New topic suggested in the context of a meeting will only be discussed as time permits, and if not discussed elsewhere in the agenda.