John Albiston III

John Albiston III was born on Feb 7, 1842 in Stalybridge, United Kingdom to John Jr. and Elizabeth Mellor Albiston. After converting to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he journeyed with his family to Utah in 1854. After arriving in Sep of that year, the family traveled before settling in Richmond.

John Albiston III married Mary Ann Lee in Richmond on Dec 3, 1863. They had 14 children, five born in Richmond and nine in Franklin, Idaho. Soon after their marriage, they moved to Franklin, Idaho where John operated a farm.

John Albiston III died Nov 7, 1915 in Franklin, Idaho and was laid in the Franklin Cemetery.

John Albiston III. 

(Colorized) Source


Laron A. Bright, Biography of John Albiston III and his wife, Mary Ann Lee, written by their grandson, Laron Bright, year published unknown, Uploaded to by John Porter Wilson, Dec 30, 2020,