Elizabeth Mellor

Elizabeth Mellor was born Feb 27, 1812, in Silkstone, United Kingdom. After marrying John Albiston Jr. in 1833, the couple had 14 children with five living to adulthood. The family later converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and left England to live in Utah. The family arrived in Utah in 1854. 

Very little information about Elizabeth has been preserved. This obituary is the only document that is preserved about her. "Deceased was born at Silkstone, Yorkshire, England, Feb 27, 1812, and was baptized in Dunkinfield, Cheshire, England, in July, 1840. Emigrated in the year 1854. She has ever striven to live the life of a Saint, and died in full faith in the gospel, and her absence is deeply felt not only by her husband and children, to whom she has been a faithful wife and kind mother, but by all who knew her for she has for many years been a faithful prosperous servant to her sex, in their time of great need and suffering by nigh or day in sickness or health."1

Elizabeth was buried in the Richmond City Cemetery.

Elizabeth Mellor Albiston. 

(Colorized) Source
