August C. S. Schow


August Christ Severin Schow was born June 7, 1857 in Trogstad, Norway to Hans Olsen Schou and Oleanna Marie Andersdatter. August served as the 9th and 14th Mayor of Richmond.

Mayoral Terms (1900 - 1904, 1916 - 1920)


August Christ Severin Schow served as the 9th Mayor of Richmond for two terms from 1900-1904.

On the first City Council Meeting, Mayor Schow presented the names of the following Councilmen as members of the various standing committees:

City Prison

In the City Council Meeting of May, 1900, Mayor Schow gave Emile Erickson a pardon after five days of imprisonment and payment of a fine and on promise of future good behavior. Because of this, it gave Mayor Schow the idea and promise to build a lawful jail where prisoners could be kept.1.1 However, the City Council decided to repair the City Hall and Jail. In the City Council Meeting of July, 1902, the decision to build a City Jail was approved.1.2 A Special City Council Session was held Oct 13, 1902 to discuss the City Prisons plans, cost and where the building would be built.1.3 They started to advertise the building of the prison in the local newspaper, the Logan Journal.

"Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by Richmond City Corporation on or before 7 o'clock p.m., Nov. 1, 1902 for the erection of a city prison to be built of brick. For plans and specifications apply to the undersigned. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids."1.4

However, only one person called to the ad, which the City Council declined.1.5 The City Council decided to call Mayor Schow to build the prison, as he was an exceptional carpenter.1.6 They secured some bricks and placed a limit of $600 for the cost of building the prison. They purchased land from John Durney for $30 per acre. However, the last mention of the prison was in the City Council Meeting of April, 1903. 

"Councilman Skidmore reported in writing for Committee on City Prison, recommending the purchase of steel cells. That the belfry and bell be placed on the City Hall, instead of on the prison. Also that partitions in City Hall be taken out making into one room. That all material rotting in cells be removed and that the basement be cleaned and purified."1.7 

Nothing more was ever said about the prison.

At Mayor Schow's final city council meeting:

"The mayor said it was with some degree of satisfaction that the present administration could turn over the affairs of the city in so good a condition, into competent hander. Thanked the council for their support, said all had been satisfactory and agreeable in the meetings and the business of the present administration. The remarks were concurred in by all members of the council present, and special mention was made of the wise suggestions received from Mayor Schow, from time to time."2

Mayor August Christ Severin Schow was succeeded by Thomas H. Griffin.


August Christ Severin Schow served as the 14th Mayor of Richmond for two terms from 1916-1920.

He was succeeded by Clarence L. Funk.


August Christ Severin Schow died May 13, 1941 in Richmond. He was buried in the Richmond Cemetery.

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