Season Finale: Seek Happiness for all. Through kindness. Through mercy.

Artemis and Apollo. Source.

Author's note: This is the last episode of the season. I wanted to leave this episode with a resolution. I wanted this door to close, while another one opened. I know I won't be writing a second season since the class is coming to an end, but I wanted to foreshadow a possible relationship between Zeus and the twins. That is why I chose to have Hera forgive Leto, but I also had Zeus hint to Artemis and Apollo that he wanted a relationship with them. I liked the idea that even though Zeus hadn’t yet met his children, he was proud of them because he heard of their talents. This does not happen in any of the original stories, of course. Hera is not as forgiving and compassionate towards others or about Olympus. From the stories, Zeus doesn’t seem like the type of man that takes interests in his children’s lives or really ever acts like a father. Artemis and Apollo stuck with their mother to protect her. Poseidon and Amphitrite did not play such a huge role in the Zeus-Leto-and-Hera love triangle. In this episode, Athena and Persephone do not play a huge role, but, that is what I intended. Even though they are adults, they are still the children of these gods so their purpose in this episode was just to gossip about the situation their relatives get themselves into, like most families (well, mine at least). Lastly, if you read all three stories, you'll notice the character descriptions are repetitive in every story, that is because they are called character "spines" which are basically their main traits that motivate their actions. It's proper script format to introduce the character the first time they appear in a script, even if it is the next episode. It's still technically a new script.

Bibliography. Leto. Source.