Dear Citizens, Dear Friends,

Who would have thought that 10 years would go by so quickly? And yet they did, and here we are today to celebrate a decade of Our nation's existence. It was on this day 10 years ago when the first words that put the foundations of our independence were written:

With the present Declaration of Independence the King of Mouzilo, Emmanuel the First, declares the establishment of the Dominant and Independent Kingdom of Mouzilo, a Monarchical Constitutional Democracy, under the direct and complete control of him and his House.

Since that day, Mouzilo, as Our State was called back then, experienced many changes and events: it became a Kingdom, then experienced a civil conflict, then became an Empire, then joined with other nations to form a single state, then split from them only to join Ashukovo, and, later, Austenasia, before finally transforming into the current State, the heir and successor of the glorious Imperial Tradition that was carried by the Hellenic nation for more than a thousand years.

We made friends. We made foes. We formed long-lasting relations, and we reminisce people who are no longer with us. Goals were achieved, others were missed, but the ever evolving nature of Our State motivated Us to keep doing what we know best.

On this day We do not intend with this opening statement to tire the reader with many words. Instead, We shall only say this: may this celebration only be the beginning of a beautiful journey into Eternity. Of that We are certain, and We welcome you to explore this mini site We have set up for the celebration of this memorable anniversary. May your stay here be pleasant.

God bless you all.

Emmanuel in Christ the God faithful Basileus and Autokrator of the Romans Afentoulis, Rex of Mouzilo, Tsar of Ashukovo, Duke of Pangration, Duke of Thessalia, Duke of Ovrestlia, Boiar of Codru & c.