Civil Conflict


January 2013 is the month described by many as the most turbulent in Mouzeliot history, as it was then when the first civil conflict between the citizens of Mouzilo took place. Also known as "Black Month", "Black January", "Black Winter" and "Red Winter", the conflict began a few days after the 1st of January.

When the MSCP (Mouzeliot Soviet Communist Party), a parliamentary represented party, merged with the MLFP (Mouzeliot Leftist Forces Party), a non-represented party, the MSCP was expelled from the Parliament, as the law at the time stated that no represented party can merge with an extra-parliamentary party. That caused a massive disagreement by the MSCP and MLFP sides, which, however, was fruitless. The expulsion of the MSCP also caused a huge problem in Parliament meetings, as the Socialist Party left the coalition government due to other points of difference, meaning that 4 represented parties with completely different policies were left in the parliament practically meaning that no new decisions could be made for any matter (the situation was always 2 for, 2 against a new law). This lead to Mouzilo's total inactivity, in terms of new legislature, for a period of a couple of months.

Taking this into account, the Emperor and the then CNP-lead Government decided to, terminate Parliamentary procedures, until new elections were held. The decision caused major reactions by left-wing (and several right-wing) ideologists and it was during this period that Mouzilo experienced the greatest protests in its history.

As a consequence of these major reactions, mainly from the communist side, a civil conflict took place in late January 2013 between Mouzeliot Communists and the Imperial Forces. The crisis was resolved a few days later, but the atmosphere was still tense. A few weeks later, the leftists created a de facto independent state within Mouzilo, the ASPRM (Autonomous Socialist People's Republic of Mouzilo), which was officially ignored by the Imperial side. The ASPRM does no longer exist, having ceased operations some time during 2014.

A couple of months later the planned elections took place and the CNP won with a large majority. The left-wing ideologists competed with a coalition party, the Freedom Party and came second, becoming opposition. 3 more additional parties found their way into the parliament as well.

Out of all parties mentioned above, currently none exist.

The Emblems of the Autonomous Socialist People's Republic of Mouzilo