Jonathan I

HIM Emperor Jonathan I is the fourth and current Emperor of Austenasia, and one of the most recognizable so-called micronationalists. Rhōmanía and Austenasia enjoy excellent relations and even share some common history.

Saturday 28 May 2022 (7530)
To Emmanuel I & II, Basileus of Rhōmanía, King of Mouzilo, Duke of Thessalia, etc.:

Your Most Faithful Majesty, greetings!

This month marks ten years since the founding of what was then the Kingdom of Mouzilo, as well as two years since your country became independent from our own. We write to congratulate you on these milestones, and to reaffirm our commitment to friendship and brotherhood.

We were of course somewhat disappointed in May 2020 when Mouzilo departed from Austenasia. However, we are honoured to have played a role in preserving the continuity of your nation prior to its independence, and what disappointment we had soon turned to joy when we saw its transformation into Rhōmanía. The restoration of an independent state ruled by and for the Ῥωμαῖοι in the Eastern Mediterranean was a cause of great happiness to our Imperial Majesty and to all who admire and respect the legacy of Constantinople.

With recent events in Turkey, the preservation of East Roman culture is more important than ever. As two independent and equal polities in the Roman Empire, Austenasia stands united with Rhōmanía in its commitment to the promotion and preservation of Romanity, and we look forward to the day when the Cross and the double-headed eagle overlook the Queen of Cities once more. We wish Rhōmanía many more anniversaries to come!

Our very best wishes,

By the Grace of Christ our God faithful Austenasian Emperor and Autocrat of the Romans, Great King in Carshalton, Katechon and Defender of the Faith, etc., etc.