Pedagogy in Practice



Since becoming a TLIIST fellow my teaching has taken a more inquiry-based approach. My class has always been inquiry-based, however, I have found additional ways to incorporate some additional inquiry-type activities. The Ice Balloons activity we did during the summer of year 1 taught me to get students to ask questions at ALL points during an inquiry-based investigation. This gives the teacher an idea of where a students thinking is at throughout the entire activity.



Since becoming a TLIIST fellow in year 1, my teaching in year 2 has not added any more inquiry than usual, however I have been able to implement new inquiry-based projects. My class is based on the health sciences and we study diseases. My plan for this school year (the spring of 2021) is to utilize what I learned during our Biology virus unit on COVID-19 and have my students make a trashy virus. Using materials laying around the house or easily found in the recycle-bin. The Trashy Virus activity we did during the summer of year 2 taught me to get students to think about concepts by doing hands-on activities. These viruses were built before we even fully understood how viruses worked...but I think looking up what needed to be included helped to prepare us for that lesson.