Leadership Development in Practice

A photo of a slide regarding literacy in science from my Region 4 training. Information I felt to be very relevant.

At the beginning of this school year I took on the role of grade level chair. In this role I am in charge of having meetings with my grade level and serving as a liaison between my grade level teachers and the administration on our campus. This role has given me a huge opportunity to show off my leadership skills and strengths. I have been able to collaborate with my fellow 7th grade teachers as we navigate the school year with each other, students, and parents.

In the spring of 2020, I also took on the role of science department chair due to the previous department chair leaving our campus. In this role, I am in charge of meeting with the science department to talk about effective science lessons and ways in which we can enrich students with science on our campus. This role has given me the opportunity to show case my leadership skills as well as my science content knowledge. In December of 2019, I attended a teacher training at Region 4 titled "Developing Scientific Explanations in Secondary Science". At this training I learned about claim, evidence, and reasoning (CER). I was able to take what I learned at that training back to my campus and share with the rest of my science department. As a result, two of the science teachers decided to try CER with their students! I look forward to being able to take more information back to my campus to share with my fellow science teachers.