Rhea County High School Golden Eagle JROTC Battalion 

To motivate young people to be better citizens

The purpose for this website is to inform Parents and Student of our mission, plans, and events.

For more information of our program please contact our SAI, LTC Johnston:  johnstond@rheacounty.org

Our vision is to provide a quality citizenship, character, and leadership development program while fostering partnerships with communities.

Our Program

The Mission of JROTC is the promote young people to be better citizens, but the program is much more than that.

The Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) is a program offered by the United States Military aimed towards High School Students. 

During the program students, called cadets, study a variety of topis and activities including, Leadership, Government, Personal finance, Marching & Drill, physical appearance, personal discipline, and physical training.

Our History

The JROTC program was founded with the passing of the National Defense Act in 1916, only having programs in the Army branch until the program was then expanded to all military service branches in 1964. 

The Golden eagle battalion was started in 1982 and is still in operation today. With the battalion still teaching strong leadership skills, discipline, life skills, and motivating young cadets to become better citizens till this day.

2024-2025 Battalion Calendar