Starter Kit

Here, I will try to collect what others have written that may be useful for a new researcher intending to dive into the world of cryptography. So, this can be seen as a starter kit for those who want to be in this field.

I am not the most qualified to give you advise, but in general, to get you started, you may want to do the following:

  • Read research articles from reputable conferences and journals. You can find a list here and here
  • Enrol in the free cryptography courses provided by Dan Boneh, David Evans and Christof Paar. Other videos can be found here
  • Get a PhD in cryptography. If you think you are not ready, then you may try enrolling in a Master by research programme. A good place to start finding a university is this page
  • Send your scientific manuscripts to reputable conferences and journals. This is to ensure that your work is evaluated by qualified researchers in the field
  • Learn how to use LaTeX. LaTeX takes care of formatting to allow you to focus on the content of your manuscript

Pointers and explanations about certain topics in cryptography are given below.


Cryptographic Engineering

Random Oracle

  • What is the Random Oracle Model and why should you care? (Parts one, two, three and four) by Matthew Green


  • On the (provable) security of TLS (Parts one and two), Sep 2012 by Matthew Green

Zero Knowledge

  • Zero Knowledge Proofs: An illustrated primer (Parts one and two) by Matthew Green


This page was last updated on 18 August 2017