
This page provides a non-exhaustive list of cryptography standards and documentations related to cryptography and information security. Where possible, the latest version of the document and the date published are stated following the document's name. Where available, we also provide a brief description of the document which may be copied verbatim from the original source. Note that the published information in this page may not be entirely accurate and the reader should consult the original source of the document for the latest version.

ISO/IEC 9796: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Digital Signature Schemes Giving Message Recovery

ISO/IEC 9797: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Message Authentication Codes (MACs)

ISO/IEC 10118: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Hash-functions

ISO/IEC 14888: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Digital signatures with appendix

ISO/IEC 18033: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Encryption algorithms

ISO/IEC 19772: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Authenticated encryption. It specifies OCB 2.0 (removed since it has been broken), Key Wrap, CCM, EAX, Encrypt-then-MAC, GCM

ISO/IEC 29192: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Lightweight cryptography

NIST Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)

NIST Special Publications (SP)

History (yyyy-mm-dd)