Corporate Finance and Family Firms Special Issue (Published in 2022)

Conference Announcement, October 15, 2021

Conference Program for October 15, 2021



Review of Corporate Finance

Special theme on: Finance and Family Business


Special Theme Handling Editor: Zhenyu Wu, University of Manitoba, Canada


Submission Deadline for Research Proposals: July 15, 2021




Finance topics related to family firms have attracted more and more attention in the past two decades. Typical examples include, but are not limited to, Anderson, Mansi and Reeb, 2003, Anderson and Reeb (2003), Anderson, Reeb, and Zhao (2012), Bunkanwanicha, Fan, and Wiwattanakantang (2013), Franks, Mayer, Volpin, and Wagner (2012), and Villalonga and Amit (2006). The main goal of this special theme is to encourage interdisciplinary studies that deepen our knowledge of finance in family firms. We seek theoretical and empirical papers that shed light on new knowledge to enrich the literature on financial topics of interest listed below related to family business.


Paper Submission Procedure:

Papers to be considered for the RCF special theme on Finance and Family Business will be submitted to Zhenyu Wu at by July 15, 2021. All submissions should be original, unpublished papers that are not concurrently under review for publication elsewhere, and they are subject to the standard review process of RCF. Final decisions are expected to be made by December 2021.

If travel restrictions caused by COVID-19 are relaxed, a workshop will be organized on October 15, 2021 at the University of Manitoba, Canada, in order to help further improve papers that are invited for revise-and-resubmit. Otherwise, it will be organized as a virtual conference. Please note that attending this workshop is not required for papers to be considered for this special issue.




Anderson, R.C., S.A. Mansi, & D.M. Reeb. 2003. Founding family ownership and the agency cost of debt. Journal of Financial Economics 68(2), 263-285.

​​Anderson, R.C., & D.M. Reeb. 2003.  Founding-Family Ownership and Firm Performance: Evidence from the S&P 500. Journal of Finance 58(3), 1301-1328.

Anderson, R.C., D.M. Reeb, & W. Zhao. 2012. Family controlled firms and informed trading: Evidence from short sales, Journal of Finance 67(1), 351-385.

Bunkanwanicha, P., J.P.H. Fan, & Y. Wiwattanakantang. 2013. The value of marriage to family firms. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 48(2), 611-636.

Franks, Julian; Mayer, Colin; Volpin, Paolo; Wagner, Hannes F.  2012. The Life Cycle of Family Ownership: International Evidence. Review of Financial Studies 25(6), 1675-1712.

Villalonga, B., & R. Amit. 2006. How do family ownership, control and management affect firm value? Journal of Financial Economics 80(2), 385-417.

About the Review of Corporate Finance (RCF):

RCF is published by Now Publishers. Now publishes papers as Green OA: articles are published under the terms of a non-commercial Creative Commons license (CC-BY-NC), which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. These terms mean that you own the copyright to your own work, and transfer a license to Now to print the paper in the journal. You can use the work in subsequent material (e.g., develop or reprint it in a book) as long as you cite the original work. It allows you to maintain your work in open access, which is consistent with most granting body requirements.

RCF prints papers in hard and soft copies. The first issue has just been published - online here:

And the papers forthcoming in the second issue are online here:

Contributors to RCF so far include top scholars such as Franklin Allen and Allen Berger, among others.

RCF considers original empirical and theoretical papers, as well as methodological contributions, survey papers, and shorter commentaries. All topics in corporate finance are welcome, including interdisciplinary topics. In addition to the official page at Now Publishers, the editors maintain a personal journal page which has details on the scope of the journal, editors and associate editors, and associated conferences.