The Lost Book of Remedies Review

The Lost Book of Remedies Review: Is it a Credible and Safe Guide?

The Lost Book of Remedies is the ultimate book of all the natural ingredients you can use from the earth to treat a vast array of illnesses, diseases, bumps, bruises and health concerns. It takes you on a blast to the past to the natural remedies humans used for thousands of years before modern day medicine took over. And because they’re natural, they don’t have potentially dangerous side effects like many of the medicines used today do. All of the ingredients can easily be found across the globe, even in your own backyard, and you learn how to identify each ingredient, how to harvest, grow and use. So, if you’re always searching online for natural remedies, The Lost Book of Remedies gives all of them to you, and much more.

What is The Lost Book of Remedies?

Just like every house should have smoke detectors and locks on the exterior doors to ensure their safety, every house should have The Lost Book of Remedies. This online book is like finding the most effective natural remedies for absolutely everything you can think of – from diseases to indigestion; from mental health concerns to cancers; from the common cold and flu to snake bites; you name it and you will likely find a natural solution or it in this guide.

The Lost Book of Remedies lists such a wide variety of ingredients you can get from the earth. To make it easy to find the ones you’re looking for, the author of the program has separated the different plants, herbs, weeds and other elements of the earth into categories specific to where you can find them. For example, the natural remedies that you learn how to use can be found in the following areas:

  • Backyard Weeds

  • Forests and Woodlands

  • Wild Plants in Great Plains

  • Trees and Shrubs

  • Coastal Tropical, and Water Loving Plants

  • Nationwide Plants

  • Household Remedies

In addition to receiving a ton of natural solutions, you also receive a ton of valuable information on how to identify the different plants, how to harvest them, grow them in your own backyard, how to cook up the ingredients, and much more. It is the ultimate survivalists’ guide to optimizing your health through the earth’s ingredients.

The best part? You receive immediate access to the natural remedies as soon as you purchase. You just log in and download The Lost Book of Remedies onto your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. This also means that you have all of the natural remedies with you whenever and wherever you go. So, whether you’re camping and the kids get a snake bite or need to ward off mosquitos, or came down with a bug while traveling with no pharmacy in sight, you’ll have the natural remedies right on your tech – 300 pages of natural remedies.

You even get two months to try the system out with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, which is plenty of time to see just how valuable this book is.

Who is the Creator of The Lost Book of Remedies?

The creator of this incredible and comprehensive book of natural remedies is Claude Davis. He is the grandson of a doctor, who he learned everything you receive in this book from. Claude is often hailed as the ultimate survivalist and go-to man for survival strategies, due to his extensive knowledge of natural medicine.

Overview of The Lost Book of Remedies

The Lost Book of Remedies is the ultimate guide to natural healing. It contains the natural remedies used for thousands of years to treat a vast array of health concerns, illnesses, diseases, bumps, bruises, bites, you name it, as well as natural remedies that can be used to treat modern day concerns.

The guide is exceptionally comprehensive, providing you with step-by-step instructions to using the ingredients, harvesting them, identifying them, cooking them, you name it.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from this guide, here’s a sneak peek at some of the things you’ll find in each section:

  • Backyard Weeds

This category turns your backyard into your very own survivalist guide. It gives you a clear idea of what you should be growing on your property and how to grow and harvest each ingredient – from chamomile to cabbage, aloe vera, dill, couch grass, chickweed, plantain, lemon verbena, St. John’s Word, Stinging Nettle and many more. It also tells you exactly how to use each ingredient for medicinal purposes and which type of illness is best treated for each.

  • Forests and Woodlands

The Forest and Woodlands section of this book covers everything from hardy kiwi to club moss, bloodroot, bottle gourd, cardinal flower, hardy kiwi, golden root, juniper berry, Spanish moss, unicorn root, and more. All of these natural ingredients are commonly found in forests and woodlands, and in addition to learning how to identify each, you’re given instructions on how to use each, what to look for, the benefits, recipes, warnings and much more.

  • Wild Plants in Great Plains

In the Great Plains category, you’ll find ingredients such as anise hyssop, common flax, henbane and sweet grass, as well as instructions on how to identify the plants, how to use them, harvest them, add them to your diet as a nutritional supplement, etc.

  • Trees and Shrubs

In the trees and shrubs category, you’ll find all types of natural remedies and cures made from things such as black crowberry, bayberry, balsam fir, ash, elderberry, dogwood, sage, and many more. And just like the other categories, you’re given all the information needed to identify, grow, harvest and use each item.

  • Coastal, Tropical, and Water Loving Plants

Head on over to the coast and discover what cattails, coco plum, cranberry, hops, watercress, and many more can do for your health. This section also includes everything you need to identify, grow, harvest and use the items is thoroughly broken down for you in this category as well.

  • Nationwide Plants

From feverfew to duckweed, from chives to goosefoot, lady’s thumb, peppermint, and more, this category tells you how to use plants from across the world.

  • Household Remedies

This category provides you with household remedies as opposed to a list of ingredients. It breaks down recipes and instructions for treating things such as poisoning, acne, snake bites, bed sores, jock itch and much more.

Our Verdict

There are very few things, if any, left uncured and untreated with The Lost Book of Remedies. It’s a comprehensive guide to achieving optimal health simply by using the ingredients grown on this planet. In addition to a plethora of natural remedies, you also receive instructions on how to grow the ingredients in your own backyard, how to cook with them, what type of remedies to make, and more. And since you have two months to try it with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, you have nothing to lose other than the long list of dangerous side effects that come from expensive modern day medicines.