6 Natural Ways to Relieve Anxiety

Anxiety is something that can affect anybody, no matter what their age, and can be an extremely debilitating condition to live with as it affects all areas of one’s life. For some people, it will come and go throughout their lives, whereas for others it will be a constant running theme that is hard to shake off. Effectively, anxiety is the body’s response to stress and can manifest itself with panic attacks, a sense of nervousness, and a general feeling of being afraid or worried about life. Many people are prescribed drugs by their physicians but these can often have harmful side effects, leaving people feeling like zombies so the alternative is to search for a natural remedy.

In this article we are going to take a look at 6 of the best natural ways to relieve anxiety, so read on to find out more.

1. Yoga and meditation

Many people have felt more anxious due to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic as they are worried about themselves and their loved ones catching the dastardly virus, and this has led to more time being spent in the home, where often the problem exacerbates itself as you are stuck in between the same four walls. Well, a great way of relieving your anxiety is to take up yoga, and this is evidenced by the millions of new followers of this practice since the world went into lockdown. Yoga is well known to help beat stress, and stress is at the heart of your anxiety, so give it a go today and within a week you will feel the benefits.

2. Exercise

Although we have already talked about yoga, that is not for all people, so it is important to remember that exercise is also extremely effective at relieving anxiety. This is because exercise stimulates your body and helps it to release endorphins, which naturally make you feel good. All those chemicals that are released are brilliant for your mind as they will help put a smile on your face and leave you feeling more relaxed. Even a half-hour walk a day will help, so you really have no excuse.

3. Kratom

Kratom, or mitragyna speciosa, is a natural plant found in southeast Asia that is a tropical evergreen in the same family as coffee. Experts from Kratom Connect advise that its leaves have been chewed for centuries by the locals to treat pain, increase energy, sexual drive, and appetite and now it is available in tablet or powder form as a treatment for anxiety. Ensure that you are buying the products from a safe retailer that knows how to prepare it safely and then you can enjoy its benefits and it can help to relieve your anxiety as people have done for many generations.

4. CBT

CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, is a new way of treating anxiety that has only really come to the fore in the 21st century. The idea is that patients will learn new skills through the therapy that will allow them to think in a different way so that they find the positives out of what was previously making them anxious, thereby eliminating it once and for all.

5. Diet

Your diet can have a surprising effect on your anxiety, especially if you are eating a lot of fatty, sugary junk food. This sort of food will play havoc with your hormones leaving you high one minute and depressed the next when you don’t have your latest fix. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg and see your anxiety levels reduce dramatically, and your waistline as well.

6. Ginger

Adding ginger to your diet has been a well-known tonic for anxiety throughout history. Ginger is highly aromatic and contains the compound Gingerol, which is an antioxidant, and will help to combat the harmful chemicals that your body produces when it is stressed. This means that when you are finding yourself feeling anxious, a nice warm cup of ginger tea will help you relax and feel better almost immediately.

As we have learned there are several different natural ways to relieve anxiety from using plants that have been known to provide stress-relieving properties such as Kratom and ginger, to taking up stress-busting yoga or even going for an hour-long walk a day. Fixing your diet will also help as fatty and sugary foods leave your mood fluctuations resulting in stress and the associated feeling of anxiety when you can’t have another sugary treat. There are also medical approaches such as CBT, which will try and alter the way that you think. Whichever approach you adopt, ensure that it is well thought through, and then hopefully you will come out the other side with reduced anxiety.