Welcome to Backstage Crew! 

We look forward to having you join us for the first rehearsal and read through on Wendesday, October 4th from 2:45 PM-4 PM. 

See you there!

Backstage Crew opportunities include the roles, responsibilities, and general availability listed below. We will be sending out a follow up interest form to learn more about the areas in which you are most intersted in helping out! There may be some overlap between the different crews.

Assistant Stage Manager

Helps the Stage Manager keep track of cast members, sets, and details during the production. 

Availability Requirement: Will need to attend most rehearsals beginning at the end of November, as well as all tech week rehearsals and performances

Backstage Crew

Responsible for all set changes during the course of the performance, as well as the safety of the backstage area during all performances.

Availability Requirement: Will need to attend all technical rehearsals and performances

Scenery Crew

The scenery crew will be creating and painting the set for production

Availability Requirement: Will need to attend several work sessions in November and December to create the scenery. Sessions will be scheduled based on crew and volunteer availability

Lighting Crew

The lighting crew is responsible for operating the lights during all performances. Performs light checks at the beginning of all technical rehearsals and performances to ensure that all lighting equipment is working properly. May participate in hanging and focusing lights for show.

Availability Requirement: Will need to attend tech week rehearsals and performances

Property Crew/Masters

The prop crew will make or acquire any needed props for the production. During performances, the prop master(s)  is in charge of the prop table(s), making sure it is organized and all props are accounted for and in working order.

Availability Requirement: The prop crew will need to meet several times in October and November to create the props. Sessions will be scheduled based on crew and volunteer availability. Prop masters should be available for the technical rehearsals and performances

Sound Crew

Responsible for operating the sound board, music, and sound effects during all performances. This includes all microphones, computers, etc. required to provide sound and music for the show.

Availability Requirement: Will need to attend tech week rehearsals and performance

Costume Crew 

The costume crew is responsible for concepting, borrowing, and finding the costumes for the production. They will assist with distribution of costume pieces and return of costume pieces from the actors, as needed, and making sure the actors have all of their costume needs during the show.

Availability Requirement: The costume crew will need to meet several times in October and November to create the costumes and should be available for the technical rehearsals and performances. Work sessions will be scheduled based on crew and volunteer availability.  

Fundraising Crew

The fundraising crew will be responsible for organizing our concession/bake sale during performances and overseeing our “pass the hat” for donations after the performance.

Availability Requirement: Will need to help with organizing items for the concessions/bake sale prior to the performances. Should be available for performances

House Management Crew

Responsible for everything in front of the stage the day of the show. Makes sure that the house is ready before any audience members arrive. This includes passing out programs, collecting tickets and make sure that the house always remains safe (i.e. aisles are clear at all times). Generally responsible for a pleasant audience experience before, during, and after the show.

Availability Requirement: Will need to attend performances

Publicity Crew

The publicity crew will help make, copy, distribute, and post all advertisement materials for the show including programs, posters, and flyers.

Availability Requirement: Will need to meet during November and December to create and distribute materials. Sessions will be scheduled based on crew and volunteer availability.