Natural Relief

Have you ever noticed that back in centuries when there were not any advanced technologies related to medicine or hospitals but even then, people used to get recovered from the diseases? Even nowadays, the people who used to live in rural areas are less likely to get involved in diseases like depression, anxiety, Arthritis, lung cancer, related cardiac diseases. This is all because they are closer to nature than the people of urban areas. They are far away from the hustle and bustle of the fast life of cities.

Also on my page you can read about the benefits of drinking tea in the morning can have on your body.

***Book that teaches home remedies***

Perks of nature:

Nature has made sure that each and everything is present in here for the well being of a human being. The answer to every question, the cure for every disease, the natural habitat for our well being, rain in summers, fruits and vegetables for every season, each and everything was present before the human being was made. We should be thankful and admire nature for its kindness. And we should also take full advantage of it and do justice for the creation of everything around us.

Natural relief:

Nature has got the full ability to provide a solution to each and everything. If it is related to medicine and diseases, nature has provided a lot of plants and herbs from which we can extract our required crude drug. Even though if you don’t want to get into this medicine, then you can go towards the natural beauty of this beautiful World. Just take a glimpse of nature. You will get to know how much power is hidden in nature.

Nature vs. Technology:

Modern technologies and medicines are also a modified form of nature, or we can say that each and everything is extracted from nature. For example, if someone has flu, He may take medicine recommended by the doctors, or he can get just herbal tea, have some rest. Both methods will come up with the same results. But the relief from the natural herbs will not produce any side effects, but the medicine will. The reason behind this is that the natural herb is pure while the medicine is made after proper testing. The medicine does not include only Active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), but it also contains some excipients for the stability of the drug. The medicine may produce its effect in a short time than natural herbs, but medicine can produce some side effects. That is why one should try to get an advantage from nature as much as he can. But this is not about discouraging technology. It is all about choices and preferences, which may vary from person to person, and we cannot force anyone.

Sources of Natural relief:

If you observe around, you will get to know what things around you are helpful for you in any situation.

Physical practices: If you have any pain in the body, you can approach medicine, but you can also take relief from natural methods like acupuncture, yoga, and other practices. Acupuncture is a method performed using hundreds of small needles pierced in the back, but the expert is required to do this job. But this method is highly effective and requires no medication. On the other hand, yoga is a daily practice which anyone can perform on its own at home.

Willow White bark: Willow white bark is a natural herb used to cure inflammation of joints and pains for thousands of years. As we know, Aspirin is a common substance used in pain killers. Similar to Aspirin, a compound name Salicin is present in White willow bark, which is very effective in pain. The main difference is the dosage form. In simple words, the way through which these are consumed. Aspirin is taken in the form of a tablet or injection while the white willow bark is chewed to get relief. Nowadays, this bark is also used in tea.

Turmeric: Free radicals are very harmful to the body and our health. These free radicals need to be removed from the body, and antioxidants are used for this purpose. Turmeric, which is used in daily food, can also perform the same function. As well as turmeric is also effective in pain-relieving without any extra effort and side effects.

Cloves: Nature has been very kind to award us such herbs as cloves, which are incorporated with a lot of benefits. Cloves are beneficial for a lot of conditions like nausea, colds, Arthritis, inflammation, etc. If you are suffering from a toothache, you can just rub cloves on the gums, and you will get a natural relief for some time. The active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) present in cloves is also used as a major substance in various medicines.

Hydrotherapy: Temperature has a great concern with human health. Hot and cold baths affect differently different parts and different types of pains and conditions. Coldwater constricts blood circulation, and hot water does the opposite of it.

Ice therapy is very much effective for relief after an injury while playing. Hot water also does the same thing. So, a series of hot and cold-water therapy is very effective in any injury. It is very commonly used in athletes. They used to get relief from fatigue after the game.

Comfrey: Comfrey is used against back pain. But first, the Comfrey is extracted and converted into a dosage form. The topical ointment is prepared from its extract. After that, the cream is evenly massaged on the affected part of the body.

Bottom line:

Natural relief can be obtained by various methods, and it’s a vast knowledge studied professionally under herbalism and pharmacognosy. A large number of scientists have served their lives in studying different plants and make them applicable to the human being. So, one should always consult the experts before proceeding with any medication. The scientist, doctors, herbal experts, and pharmacists have served their lives for our welfare.