Drinking Tea In The Morning

Besides trends and habits, taking Tea in the morning has become a permanent part of our life. Some take it for fond; some take it for health, some take it as medicine, some take it as a daily habit. Intentionally or unintentionally, Tea has become an eternal part of our lives. And with the passage of time, saturation occurs in types of Tea. We are varying from green Tea, Black Tea. As well as Tea has become more like an addiction. Talking about Tea, we cannot neglect coffee. Coffee is also a derivative of Tea; although both are made from different plants, the purpose is the same.

Tea has also been used to help with joint pain you can read about it here.

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According to the prior studies, Tea was actually invented as

result of an accident. And it is known that Tea was originated in China in 2737 BC. An herbalist and a ruler named Shen Nung accidentally found the tea leaves while boiling water in the garden. Just like Newton found gravity. So, we can say that all the miraculous inventions were made accidentally. So, Shen Nung extracts the leaves, made an infusion, and tried Ning was amazed after drinking it and did further research on it and came up with its properties and advantages for human health. After that, Tea was founded in Japan, and from there, it entered the West. Everyone admired its taste, and now we can see its importance in our daily life.

More than a Habit:

Tea has become a daily part of the majority of people all around the World. So, we can say that it has become a habit because people cannot start their day off without morning tea. But I am talking here that Tea has become more than a habit, or maybe we have given Tea such importance. Tea has become a culture. Tea in the morning, Tea in the office, Tea before sleeping, Tea after a meal even Tea is a major part of food at every occasion. When guests arrive, we, first of all, ask them for Tea. So, we can say that Tea is not bound to morning only. It has become more than a habit.

Healthy or Not:

Most people keep asking their doctors what Tea good for their health is. Is this good for children’s health or not? Morning tea is an ideal combination with breakfast as it has a lot of benefits. As we all know, Tea has Caffeine in it. Caffeine is a substance that stimulates our nervous system, Heart, and blood flow. In short, it can make our body energetic. Taking Tea in the morning can give a perfect push start for the coming up tasks of the whole day. So, we cannot neglect the importance of morning tea. But I will proceed with the fact that “Excess of everything is bad. “Caffeine makes our digestive system depends on it as Caffeine increases the bowel movement and makes an urge to defecate. So, after some time, our digestive system gets used to it, and one doesn’t feel the urge to defecate until he takes Tea. So, there is no doubt that that Tea is also an addiction for the body.

Healthy advantages:

Cardiac patients: Heart problems occur due to the constriction of blood vessels. But Tea performs the function to clean these blood vessels from cholesterol and plaque. This ensures the smooth and steady flow of blood throughout the body. Thus, Tea should be made a part of the morning routine. Especially Green Tea is very helpful in this regard.

Tea avoids cancer: Free radicals are continuously being produced in the body on a daily basis as a result of various metabolism reactions. To remove these substances from the body, antioxidants must be present in the body. Tea participates a lot in this, as Tea behave as antioxidants and avoid chronic diseases like cancer because free radicals are more likely to cause cancer.

Energy booster: A full cup of morning tea provides the body with a perfect balance of water, sugar, and Caffeine, which makes the body active and healthy all day. The body will not dehydrate, the glucose level will remain normal, and it will resist fatigue. The morning tea makes the nervous system active and energizes the neurons to work all day.

Weight loss: In the meanwhile, Green Tea is very effective in weight loss. Doctors usually start weight loss therapy by prescribing them to take green Tea in the morning without eating anything. Green Tea is very much effective in burning fats and calories

Making and saturation of morning tea:

In different parts of the World, people like their morning tea in different ways, and the methods of making the Tea is also different. Majority of the people like it with milk and sugar. Some like it in its raw form. They just put tea extract in hot water and have it. Some prefer Green Tea over the normal Tea in the morning tea. Some people are fond of black Tea. But in the end, everyone is taking the morning tea to get a perfect and energetic start of the day, which is the basic agenda of the majority of people.

Many countries are growing tea crops on a large scale and exports them to other counties. Asian countries got the largest exports of Tea throughout the World. Tea leaves a recollected, and then they are dried. After drying, they converted into small granules with the addition of preservatives and other excipients. The process of making Tea is also a very easy one. You just need to boil water or milk and add tea granules in it with sugar if you like it.

Bottom line:

Everything has its pros and cons. Morning tea is life for most people, and they cannot survive without it, which seems true after looking into its advantages. But it also has some disadvantages so we cannot neglect it.