Medicinal leaves

Most of the medicines are derived from various types of plants. Such types of medicines are called non-synthetic medicines. This is a vast knowledge studied under various types of degrees. A lot of saturation has been made in these studies with the passage of time.

Read about how herbs were used to help fight depression here.

***Book that teaches home remedies***

History of Strengthening Herbalism:

The knowledge of herbs and plants were known as Ayurveda and ancient Chinese medicine in ancient times. This all started in China and India over 5000 years ago. To keep this knowledge to expand was very difficult, but it somehow was managed to preserve the knowledge for the upcoming lives. At that time, knowledge was being transferred orally.

From there, it moved to ancient Egypt. They were using Ebers Papyrus at that time. They collected information on about 850 different types of plants and herbs and wrote it on the Ebers Papyrus, which was the type of paper at that time. You will be surprised to know that this all took 1500 years. This information includes plant names and their function and purpose. It was like an encyclopedia. Now we call this pharmacopeia or formularies, which contain all the information about all the drugs and medicines in the whole World.

After that, in India, Herbals were studied, which were incorporated with a piece of vast knowledge and with great capabilities of treatment. This was called Ayurvedic knowledge and was named Ayurveda. And Hippocrates, Galen, and Hakim ibn e Sina further proceed this knowledge to the next level.

Beneficial leaves:

There are a lot of plants and leaves incorporated with the ability to serve mankind for the well being and have a great potential to provide with some powerful crude drugs which are helpful in treatment against fatal diseases. So here we are going to look over some of the naturally occurring plants which are beneficial for us.

Ginko: It is the oldest known plant that has been used for the benefit of human health for a long time. But we cannot use the leaves of the Ginko plant directly. It needs to pass through various steps and be made ready to consume. After that, it produces its effect. The crude drug is extracted and is converted into dosage form to make it more palatable. It can be used as tablets, capsules, or in the form of tea. This is prescribed according to the ease of the patient.

Its miraculous advantage is that it a brain booster and is the primary treatment for Alzheimer's and dementia patients. Both of these diseases are related to the brain. In addition, Ginko plants are also advantageous for inflammation, eye disease, diabetes, bone healing, anxiety, and depression. So, it was truly a miraculous invention because one single plant is providing a great number of benefits.

Evening Primrose Oil: This is a yellow-colored plant with a lot of benefits. During Premenstrual syndrome, the women need to face a lot of changes in their body that may be physical, internal, and emotional. At that time Evening, primrose oil is very effective as it lessens all these sides effects of Premenstrual syndrome.

It can also be applied topically if someone is suffering from an eczema condition. And dermatitis. Further, it also contains an anti-inflammatory effect. Other beneficial functions of Evening primrose leaves are breast pain relief, multiple sclerosis inhibition, blood pressure normalization.

Flaxseed: As I have already given the overview of the free radical effect in the body. Flax seeds show its beneficial effect against inflammation and as anti-oxidant.

But further studies were made, and it was acknowledged that Flax seeds are also effective in avoiding colon cancer.

It has the ability to normalize blood pressure and reduce obesity.

We can make it a part of our diet, and we can also use it as medicine in the form of a tablet.

Echinacea: It is considered to be the safest medicinal leaves to be used. As it has no side effects on human health. It is attractive, vibrant colored, and commonly found in every garden. It is very effective against normal flue and cold so we can use it in our daily tea and juices. There is no need to take medicines. Just add this to your tea, and it will make you better with no side effects.

Tea Tree Oil: The oil is extracted from the plant named tea tree. This oil is topically applied to the affected areas. It is most effective for skin conditions like athlete's foot, ringworm, acne, dandruff, and skin inflammation.

After applying this oil topically, it gets absorbed and produces its anti-microbial effect prevents further infection. So, after knowing its tremendous advantages, many cosmetic companies started using this oil in their skin care products like creams and ointments.

Grape seed extract: Grapes are very effective for patients suffering from atherosclerosis and tuberculosis. In this condition, the cholesterol level of the patient is high, and there is a greater chance of heart attack and other cardiac problems. So, patients are advised to make Grapes a vital part of their diet. It is effective in sweeping the cholesterol from the vessels and keep the blood flow smooth. So Grape seed extracts perform the same functions as well.

In addition to this Grape, seeds are also effective in inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells.

The Bottom line:

Pharmacist and herbalists are serving their lives for a long time ago for the welfare of mankind. All these inventions are a wonderful gift for us. It requires a lot of effort. Manufacturing a single kind of tablet takes a lot of effort, even for years. This is the kindness of nature that provides us with these readymade medicinal leaves. Each plant or herb is incorporated with a lot of benefits. Even though their invention and now their extraction and manufacturing are a big deal. Because nothing is obtained without effort. On this note, where nature is giving a lot to us it is our duty to pay back. And the only thing we can do for nature is that we should treat nature efficiently and keep it in the same way as we got it. Only by doing this can we pay the debt of nature.