Anti Inflammatory Herbs For Joints


Joints are the junction for the two bones and are such a characteristic of the skeletal system that allows our body to give a sense of freedom. Joints are the location where the bones can move. There are various types of joints. The classification of joints is based on their degree of movement. Some joints can move in just one or two directions e.g., elbow and knee joints, while some joints have the privilege of moving in whatever directions we want them to move e.g., Shoulder Girdle joints. Basically, nature has given every joint, even every part of the body, its importance. The regretful part is that we are not capable of paying the verity of nature that nature or God has given us in the form of our body. We do not take care of this gift. As a result, when our limbs got damaged, then we seek medical assistance. And how cool is that nature has still shown its goodwill and provide us with natural anti-inflammatory herbs. So, we can make our natural system of the body keep working in an efficient way. Giving is the greatest characteristic of nature, and God as it does not make any difference in its treasure.

Read about the many uses for medicinal leaves here.

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Inflammation in joints:

Talking about a fact i.e., excess of anything, is a disease. So, if I define inflammation of joints in simple words is that there is fluid in the joints, which is necessary for the proper functioning of joints. But if the number of fluid increases, it will cause inflammation or effusion of joints and becomes a condition. In terms of medicine, this disease is called arthritis, in which joints become stiff, and if they do not treat, the patient properly may become handicapped. Now there are various types of arthritis based on the cause of deficient substances in the body.

Causes and Symptoms:

The inflammation of joints is directly related to our immune system. The ideal function of the immune system is to invade germ cells. When they start attacking tissues instead of germ cells, and cause pain and stiffness in joints. Inflammation may also occur due to some injury, obesity, heredity, or uric acid accumulation in joints. Prior to the inflammation due to increased fluid in joints, there may also occur deficiency of fluid and cause osteoarthritis. In this condition, the bones become frictionless, and the bones start rubbing on each other and cause pain. So, the excess and deficiency of fluid in joints than a normal amount is a condition of arthritis and osteoarthritis respectively.

Talking about symptoms of inflammation in the body, which can be physically seen on the body. The inflamed joints become red. The swelling take place due to the accumulation of excess fluid in joints. Heat continuously radiates from the joint area, and this all is characterized by pain. This condition needs to be treated, or the joints may lose their functions. In this era, a lot of highly researched anti-inflammatory herbs are there for treatment.

Treatment using Anti-inflammatory herbs:

Nature has provided us a lot of natural herbs which we can use directly in our daily foods, or we can also convert them into proper dosage form we can use for specific reasons. Like green tea, black pepper, Unchair tomentosa (cat’s claw), Rosemary, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, resveratrol and etc. These herbs are easily found all around. These herbs have anti-inflammatory actions and are natural medicines. The best part of these anti-inflammatory herbs is that they are part of our daily food. And these are easy to afford rather you went to the pharmacy to buy expensive medicine.

Green tea: Green tea is highly recommended to cardiac patients. According to recent studies, it also contains anti-inflammatory action, and doctors recommend patients suffering from inflammation of joints to take 3-4 cups of green tea. The advantage of green tea is that it is caffeine-free.

Black pepper: Black pepper is the most common herb used in every food for taste. But in addition to taste, it also contains anti-inflammatory benefits. It is because it inhibits inflammatory pathways, and in this way, it reduces inflammation.

Garlic, Turmeric, Ginger: Apparently, these all are spices of normal use in our foods, but it is advantageous to use these spices as anti-inflammatory herbs for the normal functioning of joints. These all herbs hinder the pathways for inflammation.

White willow bark: Pharmacists found the white willow bark very effective against the pain caused by arthritis or inflammation of joints. It is found that White willow bark also contains some substances similar to aspirin. As aspirin is used pain killer, so is the white willow bark.

Rosemary: Rosemary is a booster for the immune system and makes the blood flow more efficient. In addition to these features, Rosemary also performs our required function for reducing the inflammation of joints.


I will execute this article by using the fact that when a machine kept on working and cared properly, it would never distort. But if you keep it undefiled, it will become crap after some time. The same principle is applicable to the human body. The body or skeletal system is made for work. We should do justice with its capabilities. The vast majority of the people around us do not even know what is good for their bodies and what is harmful. Not in the case of diet but also in the case of their lifestyle. The body needs proper exercise. Inflammation of joints has become a common condition nowadays. According to Rheumatoid arthritis statistics Worldwide 2019, Only in the USA, 23% of adults are suffering from arthritis. So, we can imagine from this figure what is the condition geriatrics group. In such severe situations, anti-inflammatory herbs are the last hope, which are pushing everyone to the end of their lives in a better way and making everyone able to take a glimpse of this beautiful World.