Examples of experiments relevant for EU farming

Farmers and the new green architecture of the EU common agricultural policy: a behavioural experiment

By Francois J. Dessart, Jens Rommel, Jesus Barreiro-Hurle, Fabian Thomas, Macario Rodriguez-Entrena, Maria Espinosa-Goded, Katarzyna Zagorska, Mikolaj Czajkowski and Rene van Bavel.

JRC Science for Policy Report (2021)

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Randomised Controlled Trails for the Evaluation of the CAP: Empirical Evidence about Acceptance by Farmers.

By Ulrich B. Morawetz and Christoph Tribl

German Journal of Agricultural Econimics (2020)

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The Problem of Feral Hogs and the Challenges of Providing a Weak-link Public Good

By Ellis S.F., M Masters, K.D. Messer, C. Weigel, & P.J. Ferraro

Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (2020)

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