Call for abstracts for the REECAP organised sessions EAAE congress 2021

In 2020, REECAP put forward two organised sessions to the EAAE Congress in Prague. As the conference was postponed we decided to move the papers selected for those organised sessions to the on-line webinars that took place in September (see here).

We would like to repeat the initiative in 2021 submit REECAP related papers jointly as organised sessions at the EAAE congress, to be held in Prague (20-23 July).

Date: 2021-01-02, Image: (c) EAAE

If you would be interested in participating in the proposal for a REECAP organised session(s), please send us a 200 words (max) abstract, authors’ names, affiliations and contact details at by the 27th January.

The REECAP board will review the proposals and select those to be included in the organised session(s) proposal(s) to the EAAE Congress. We welcome contributions from the fields of behavioural and experimental agricultural economics (finished or work-in-progress, not necessarily in the CAP context), that:

  1. apply experimental methods to agricultural or agri-environmental themes (laboratory, field, lab-in-the-field, randomized controlled trials (RCT), and discrete choice experiments (DCE)), and/or

  2. use quasi-experimental techniques to evaluate agricultural or agri-environmental policies, and/or

  3. advance or synthesize behavioural economic insights to improve agricultural or agri-environmental policy.

Important deadlines

  • 27th January: submission of 200 words abstracts to REECAP (

  • 10th February: notification to authors of the selected papers for the organized session(s)

  • 15th February: deadline to submit organised sessions to EAAE

Pre-congress symposium

In addition to the organised session, REECAP is also planning to organize the next REECAP meeting as a pre-congress symposium, before the EAAE 2021 congress, to be held hopefully in Prague (20-23 July) - conditional on acceptanceby EAAE organisers. Participation to the REECAP pre-congress symposium would be independent from the EAAE congress.

The REECAP pre-congress symposium will include training, a pre-registration of protocols session, a keynote presentation and round-table discussions. A call for presentations during the pre-registration session will be circulated shortly.