Do you have some material on the use of experiments to share with REECAP ?

Image: (c) (Unsplash) by AbsolutVision

Do you have some slides, leaflets, policy briefs, pictures, diagrams ... on the use of experiments, intuitive explanations of methods to a wider audience, intuitive and easy to grasp examples, nice pictures or diagrams, or other material that you have used for presentations or for courses, and that you would be willing to share with REECAP?

As Working Group 2 of REECAP, we aim to build a set of slides that would be accessible to all, and that all REECAP members could use to explain what we do to policy makers or other non-technical experts, and/or to advocate the use of experimental approaches to inform policies.

We plan to start by collecting material that REECAP members have and are willing to share. It could be for example :

  • information on the usefulness of experiments for policy making

  • an intuitive explanation of choice experiments from a presentation to you did to non-experts

  • research briefly explaining field experiments intended for farmers

  • (brief) examples of experimental results on informing policy

  • also nice pictures, graphs, diagrams that you found useful to illustrate what we do

Building on that, WG2 volunteers will create sets of presentations in English, but possibly also translated into other languages, that each of us can access, use and adapt to one's own needs.

Please send your material to Ciaran (, who will collect it all.