REECAP participation to the French public debate on the future of the CAP

Date: 2020-10-09, Image: (c) ImPACtons!

It is a legal requirement for France to organize a large public consultation open to all on what citizens expect from agriculture and the CAP. It is organized by the the National Commission for Public Debate (NCPD). This process, called ImPACtons! (Let have an imPACt!) has been relaunched after a few months of interruption due to the health crisis.

Citizens and organizations are invited to give their opinion until the end of October.

The NCPD has also organized a citizens' assembly on agriculture (CAA). One hundred and thirty citizens were selected at random to compose a representative sample of French population, and were invited to spend 3 days together and with experts in order to propose their political vision of the role of agriculture in society. They have published a "new contract for agriculture" stating 6 objectives, notably the promotion of an agro-ecological transition, the priority given to healthy food accessible to all, and defending also a fair income for farmers.