Funding REECAP activities

Date: 2020-10-05, Image: (c) Alliance Europa

REECAP board has received a grant supporting international network, funded by Alliance Europa.

The Institute for European and Global Studies Alliance Europa, created in 2015, is a pole of excellence in the social sciences and humanities based in Nantes, in Western France. It aims at contributing to the major challenges faced by the EU.

For more information:

This grant will be mostly used to hire a communication assistant and for the organization of REECAP 2021 workshop in Prague.

Next step will be the application to a COST action (deadline end of october 2020).

We are still looking for more practitioners to join the network, in particular persons working in national or regional administrations in charge of agricultural policies, and persons working for private consultancies working on policy evaluation. Please contact us if you know people who might be interested.