Reading recommendation: "Transparent and Reproducible Social Science Research - How to Do Open Science"

Date: 2020-07-03, Image: (c) Garret Christensen, Jeremy Freese and Edward Miguel

This new volume presents an exhaustive overview of emerging research transparency practices. They will be promoted within REECAP thanks to Working Group 1 activities.

“Transparent and Reproducible Social Science Research How to Do Open Science” by Garret Christensen (Author), Jeremy Freese (Author), Edward Miguel

This new volume presents an exhaustive overview of emerging research transparency practices. Single chapters discuss data documentation, pre-registration and meta-analysis trends. It is highly recommended for anyone interested in these issues and should become a standard for graduate students in applied economics. As an appetizer to the book, you may watch a talk by Edward Miguel, a development economist and one of the co-authors, who discusses pre-registration trends as part of the Metascience symposium 2019.

We believe that these trends will also gain momentum in the agricultural economics community. One recent sign of this that the new open access journal of the European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation Q open ( explicitly includes registered reports – a publication format that reviews study designs before data collection. Such best practices will be promoted within REECAP thanks to Working Group 1 activities.