Important : Working group leaders have changed since this post was published. Please see here to find updated information.

REECAP work for 2020-2021 has started

Date: 2020-07-03, Image: public domain

Thanks to your responses to the survey last April, we have constituted three working groups with a total of 41 contributors.

Working Group #1: Bringing experiments into agricultural policy

Leader Elisabeth Gsottbauer (Innsbruck University, Austria)

Objective: Improving external and internal validity of economic and behavioral experimental research to make it an essential component of CAP evaluation toolbox

Working Group #2: Bringing agricultural policy into the experimental field

Leaders: Sophie Thoyer (INRAE, France) and Liesbeth Colen (University of Göttingen, Germany)

Objective: Create bridges across evaluation communities and knowledge exchanges with policy makers in order to upgrade the impact of our research.

An invitation to contribute was sent to all REECAP members who have indicated their interest for this workpackage. You can contact Liesbeth or Sophie if you want to help with the following: establish links with policy-makers, create short videos and pedagogical pages on the use of experimental approaches, be interviewed for a short video highlghting your research results.

Working Group #3: Outreach activities

Leaders: Marianne Lefebvre (Angers University, France) and Jens Rommel (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala, Sweden)

Objective: Provide relevant and timely information to REECAP network members and disseminate REECAP results to relevant stakeholders