The following is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the RBHS Unit SOP


Section 5 - Discipline




Discipline -

"To train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control"

- Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Military discipline is a manifestation of mental attitude and training which renders obedience and proper conduct instinctive under all conditions. It is founded upon respect for, and loyalty to, proper constituted military authority. Military discipline must not be confused with punishment.

Maintaining a state of discipline means learning to place the task of your unit above your own personal desires. it means learning to obey, promptly and cheerfully, the orders of leaders so that, even in their absence, established rules and conducts will be observed.

During training, leaders strive for perfection in what may seem minor details, such as cleanliness, uniform wear, conduct, marching, and any other number of activities engaged in by Army JROTC cadets.



Standard enforcement of discipline is executed by the SAI, AIs, and cadet leaders. When a junior cadet conducts an infraction of disciplinary expectations, the following are steps to take:

    • Verbal Redirect. Cadet leaders will redirect a cadet on proper behavior without drawing unnecessary attention to the offending cadet.
    • Demerits. Cadet leaders issue demerits to cadets in accordance with the Merit and Demerit SOP. Demerits will be recorded in JUMS.
    • Referral to Instructor. If a cadet should continue to violate disciplinary requirements, cadet leaders will refer them to the SAI or AI for further action. Cadet leaders should not hesitate to elevate a disruptive cadet to instructors should they persist beyond demerits.
    • Reduction in Rank. The SAI or AI will reduce the rank of cadets who willfully violate disciplinary requirements, and notify their parents or guardians.
    • Removal from JROTC. If all above corrective actions fail to correct a cadet’s behavior, then that cadet will be removed from the JROTC program.

Merits are awarded to cadets who consistently exhibit good discipline and demonstrate outstanding efficiency in the execution of their assigned tasks.

    • Cadet leaders recommend merits through their chain of command, in accordance with the Merit and Demerit SOP.
    • The instructors will review submitted reports to ensure equity and fairness, and do not exceed the amount appropriate for the act or achievement.

Rank and Leadership


Cadet leaders are the keepers of discipline within the Lion Battalion. Each leader is expected to act in a manner in accordance with the position of authority and responsibility to which they were appointed, reflected in the rank to which they wear. As such, cadet leaders will be expected to maintain good discipline at all times, and do the following:

    • Counsel subordinates either verbally or in writing, detailing what is expected of them and what subordinates can in turn expect from leadership.
    • Interview and get to know subordinates, so they can assist them in training and ensure their welfare as part of the unit.
    • Do not abuse rank. Rank is a visible sign, tied to positions of responsibility and authority, which are granted by the SAI. Cadets will never abuse their authority, which includes bragging to other cadets about rank or positions of authority.
    • Set the example. Leaders must always strive to set the example for proper discipline, doing what is right even when they believe nobody is watching them. With increased rank comes increased responsibility, not only for one’s own actions, but also for the actions of one’s subordinates.

Disciplinary Review Board


In cases wherein cadet leaders are suspended or charged with a serious violation of expectation for a cadet officer or NCO, the SAI will convene a disciplinary review board to determine the facts. The SAI will render a decision, which will include, but not be limited to, the following:

    • Relief for cause from a position of responsibility and authority, with accompanying reduction in rank.
    • Removal from the JROTC program