Weekly Alliance Events

Wednesday - Low sec escort service

Lazaro Zev Foster will be available using 3 accounts, 1 in each of the low sec systems to provide you with save travel, please do not travel to and from the mainland without this escort.

New Player Level 3 Missions

  • Mission Leader: Zenoninus
  • Time: Saturday 16:00 Eve Online time
  • Where: Khankenirdia V - Moon 17 - Ammatar Consulate Academy

How to join: As a courtesy, please send Zenoninus a mail with intent to join this alliance op. if you don't sent him a mail requesting to join, the fleet will leave without you at the appointed time, if you are allowed in the fleet is entirely up to Zenoninus at that time if you join late.

Alliance Mining op

  • Mission Leader: NightHawk Dreamscape
  • Monday - any time
  • chidah

How to join: just be there, and request fleet invite for Alliance Mining op