Red moon Mining and Exploration

Our mission

Our mission is to have fun in the first place.

We are currently looking for members who are interested in all of the following (but not limited to).

  • Mining
  • Manufacturing

Mining tutorial

Skills to train for:

  1. space ship command / Mining Barge
  2. resource reprocessing / Mining
  3. science/ Science(up to level 4, so you can train the next skill)
  4. resource reprocessing / Astrogeology

Ships to use

  • Retriever: decent ship for high sec mining.. not a great yield but when solo mining, large ore hold so you are not constantly moving forth and back between the mining site and the station to drop off your ores
  • Covetor: fleet miner, real fast, very small ore hold.. can use solo if you are willing to use "jetcans"
  • Procurer: tough little ship, medium ore hold.. great for low sec mining

there are other ships and skills to look at.. but that's eve online.. there's *ALWAYS* more.. but those are pretty much the primary things to look at when you're new to mining