How To - Tutorials

New Members

When we recruit you to the corp we will ask you to move to our area.. before you move to the new area we ask that you install a jump clone to your mission area or any areas that you might want to go back to before making the move to the island. The reason for this is that we are behind a low sec area which is very dangerous to travel through, so by leaving a jump clone behind, you can simply "skip" the traveling part and go back to your favorite areas whenever you need to. Please see the "Travel through low sec" guide for more info.

Travel across low sec

In order to travel across low sec you have 2 options

A: escorted travel

You do this if you want to bring items with you safely to another high sec area. If you need to bring items *ALWAYS* ask for an escort, not doing so will result in the loss of you and your items nearly 50% of the time, which is way too much risk.

B: Clone jumping

So you're bored, want to do some missions, maybe do some sites that you are unable to find on the island. Great, here's what you do.

  • dock on an npc station and click the clone bay, you can now "choose to insert a clone" that you can jump to
  • travel to another location, dock to npc station, click your portrait in the upper left corner of the screen click character tab, then click the tab "jump clones". from here you can jump to the location where you "inserted" a clone. When you do this, you will leave your "current" clone behind on the station that you are at, you can jump *back* to this clone 24 hours after you jumped to the other clone.