
Red Moon Exploration and Mining, Inc.

Our main goal is to have fun in this game, and build awesome things. This is best done if we all work together as a team. In order to promote this, we have the following in place.

In order to be a member of Red Moon Mining and Exploration, Inc we have certain expectations of our members. These expectations are laid out in this document using certain rules and guidelines.

The function of these rules and guidelines is to promote team cohesion, Eve Online is a great game and even though it can be played solo, it is much better played in the spirit of co-operation.

Therefore, as of Monday 7/1/2019 the following rules will go into effect, if you can not abide by these rules we respectfully request you either file a motion to have the rules changed, or otherwise, we will respectfully have to ask you to leave the corporation.

  1. Be respectful of your corp mates
  2. No harassment, sexual or otherwise.
  3. Conflict will be resolved in a respectful matter, see footnote 1.
  4. Corporation events will be attended to a minimum of 3 times per week, see footnote 2.
  5. Continued presence, members that have not been online for over a month without any kind of notification will be expelled from the corporation. We will send you an e-mail. If at the time you come back and you find yourself expelled, you are then able to file a motion (reply to the mail), if there are extenuating circumstances, we will strongly consider getting you back in as a member of the corporation.

Footnote 1:

In the event that you have a conflict due to someone saying something or taking certain actions, we ask that you speak up immediately, requesting the line of conversation or actions to be discontinued. We expect the other person to immediately abide by the request and apologize. If said conflict is not resolved at this time, withdraw from the conversation and ask a corp leader to intervene, if no corp leader is present and conflict continues and or is escalating, please e-mail a corp leader with a log of the conversation. If you do not know how to get the log, NOW while you are reading this, is a good time to ask.

Footnote 2:

Both Foster AND Myself have attempted to lead corporations and alliances without mandatory events and this has gone sideways, therefore, we are changing to a participation point system. We would have much preferred to do without this, however, in the spirit of co operation and making this game more fun for everyone, we have decided to allow for a minimum of 3 mandatory events per member per week.

We will have events scheduled throughout each week, if you can not make it to the events, you can do one of the following

A: when you are online and a corporation leader is also online, you can request an impromptu fleet, if you are doing this for Participation points, please say so.

B: If you are away for a week, or just need a break, send a mail to a corporation leader, and you will be exempted from the participation points for that time. (If in the corp window we see you away for the entire week and you have not said anything, we will try and make you exempt if you can provide us with some reason why you were away for a week or more.