2. Health, fitness and hygiene
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Physical health and fitness
Seek help for any substance addiction you might currently suffer from (smoking, drinking, drug taking, etc.)
Treat any physical health issues NOW while you can, including joint replacement and dental work.
Improve general physical health by dropping extra weight, eating healthier, sleeping more, etc.
Improve and maintain:
your stamina and endurance by doing cardio exercise and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
your strength by doing weightlifting (using your own body weight if you have nothing else)
your mobility and agility by staying flexible and practising walking, running, swimming, climbing, parkour.
Maintaining proper hygiene is vital, especially following injuries or during epidemics and pandemics. Sterilizing wounds, or simply washing hands frequently, respecting physical distancing, wearing gloves, wearing mask and face cover, etc. will help reducing the risk of you catching a disabling or lethal pathogen.
Mental health
Seek treatment for any behavioral addiction you might currently suffer from (gambling, social media, video gaming, shopping, overeating, sex etc.)
Treat any mental health issues NOW while you can.
Improve your mental health by practicing meditation, learning acceptance and mindfulness, practicing your faith, cultivating your network, sharing your feelings.
Build up your mental resilience by working on four key elements: connection, love, purpose, and hope.