Golden Triple Flame Activation

Holiday Special Available Now!

Golden Triple Flame Activation

Gold, Diamond and Copper Light Activation.


Archangel Metatron

The Holy Spirit

Jesus Christ

This triple Light Activation brought in by Archangel Metatron, The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. Comes from the Heavens through the sky to our Higher Chakras and to our Physical Charkras.

This leading edge activation brings in Gold, Diamond and Copper light bringing in new light codes and activation's to our four bodies. Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual.

These sacred activation's downloaded directly from the Angelic Realms and brought in through multiple healing and meditations.

These activation is very helpful in clearing thought forms and old programming or processes our brain is used to mapping.

This is a silent healing distant experience. Once date and time is set up activation will begin at specified time.

Sleep time is best for rest and relaxation are part of the session.

Activation takes one hour and runs during the night and will continue until complete.

Golden Triple Light Activation


Chakra Clearing

Distant Silent Healing

(No Call)

One Hour Distant Silent Session


Email or text for appointment.
