Quarterly Newsletter

  What's New


Reaching the Next Generation

2024 February - March Update

New Title for 

Greetings from Pastor Gail,

Greetings to all my precious brothers and sisters who follow  and pray for this mission. My trip started out in Sosua, Dominican Republic  where I connected with friends in New Life Church, while  enjoying  the presence of Jesus in a beautiful tropical climate. 

Pastors Carl and Sandra came to Puerto Plata the next day to begin our preparation for our very special first graduation for Nation 2 Nation Bible University in the Dominican Republic. We had 55 graduates from six different schools in  various locations – who received their 2-year Associate Degree in Biblical Studies from an accredited university in Texas,  U.S.A. (see photos).

This was such an answer to prayer. Over the last twenty years, we have seen thousands of souls receive Salvation, be baptized, and become believers in Jesus.. . but I longed  for a good discipleship program. The Great Commission says: “Go into all the world to preach the gospel, making disciples of all nations”. Not just believers, but disciples. I am so happy that this opportunity  has been given to me. Since Covid, we have started 25 bible schools in various places in the Dominican Republic. Many Pastors and Leaders have been trained to equip the body of Christ  through this inspiring life changing program.

After the graduation, I went to visit our first Vineyard church that we started in San Cristobal 17 years ago. The youth led special worship and brought a great message of Jesus’ soon coming return for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. See photos of Diana, Carl and Mikael , our youth leaders.

The seventh anniversary of our second Vineyard church in Las Palmitas was a pure joy. There were more than 300 people in attendance. Six churches participated in  joy, praise, testimonies, special songs and dancing. Just a wonderful deposit of His Glorious Presence and Anointing. I did some fun ministry with the adorable children, and especially enjoyed my visit with the one girl who was abducted at age 6. She was missing for more than three months, and is now 12 years old, reunited with her mom, dad and two sisters, and thriving. The Lord is a Perfect Restorer and Deliverer from trauma. Please see the photos.

I am now back in Windsor with my husband Dan enjoying fellowship in the Vineyard Church in Windsor  Ontario Canada. I received two special gifts (avocados,  the size of melons – see photo). I thank Jesus for His incredible Mercy and Grace. All glory to Him forever  for the Great  things He has done!!


Reaching the Next Generation

2023 April - June 

The Unconditional Love of Jesus

Greetings from Pastor Gail,

I always loved the story in the bible that shows how the good shepherd left the 99 to go after the one.  Jesus is the good shepherd. (Matthew 18:12).  The good news is that you are the one he is after, you are the pearl of a very great price, many of us don’t always feel special and loved, but Jesus sees us differently.  He has chosen each one of you as a valuable treasure, like a rare, precious pearl.  He never makes mistakes.  He is wild and passionately in love with you!

Many think that when we do well and do not sin, he loves us, but Jesus’ love has nothing to do with our behavior or performance.  He loves us because he is good all of the time. We love because he loved us first (1 John 4:19) you qualify!  Everyone has a seat at the table in Jesus’ family. In Psalms 68:6 the word declares that “he sets the lonely in families and gives us people for our lives.”  With God as our loving father, and Jesus as our lord, kind brother, and devoted friend, we should not be lonely. He wants to set us in a safe, joyful, and loving family.  His body, his bride, his church!

       Every member has a part, no member is higher or more important than any other.  No one is left out.  We all have many gifts to offer and our presence is needed.  Some may be an eye or a foot or an arm. But we are all important members of his body.  Jesus is the vine and we are his branches. The closer we stay to him, the more we can sense his love and joy and peace, he loves to abide with us.

       I remember as a child, maybe 10 years old, lining up for a neighborhood baseball game. Two captains were chosen and each chose their team.  I was the last one standing and i felt so bad. Then one captain had to reluctantly take me. But i was clearly not chosen, my friend, you are God’s first pick!  You are handpicked and sought out by the mighty captain of the host!  You are his beloved. Let us come boldly into his throne of grace and partake of all his wonderful benefits.

       In Psalms 103:1-4, he says “He forgives all of your sins. He heals all of your diseases,he redeems your life and crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies. “   “ behold what manner of love the father has given unto us, that we should be called the sons and daughters of God…. and that is who we are !” 1 John3:1

       You are a son or daughter of the king.  You are a prince or princess reigning in the royal family of love!  Take your rightful place.  Allow the special unconditional love to flow to you and through you. He will never love you more than he does right this minute. Soak in his wondrous love and know that you are chosen for his glory. He seats us at his banqueting table and his banner over us is love!! 

2023 July - September

United in Love

Greetings from Pastor Gail,

I want to first take a moment to Thank all of our sponsors for their generous support – all through the past six months. You have enabled me, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to touch and bless so many lives – with Food, Love, Salvation and Hope. The Vineyard International Conference was amazing. Actually, more than two hundred people attended from the U.S., the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The theme was “En El Reino Juntos” (in the Kingdom Together). American pastors, Haitian pastors, and Dominican pastors together, fulfilling the scripture that Jesus prayed for us in: 

 John 17:20-23, “I do not pray for those alone, but also for those who believe in Me through their word- that they all may be ONE, as you Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be ONE in Us, that the world may believe that You sent me. I have given them that they may be ONE just as we are ONE. I in them and You in Me, that they may be made perfect in ONE, and that The WORLD may know that You have sent me, and have loved them as You have loved me”.  In these turbulent, changing seasons, we must stand UNITED in love. 

His love NEVER fails. 1 Corinthians: 13:8 

He always causes us to triumph In Christ. 2 Corinthians: 2:14

My friends and family, let us continue to possess the land that He has given us. Let us LOVE one another like never before. Let us always bring His light into the world around us, as long as we have breath. 

Love, Joy, Hope, Peace, and Good Health to all!

In Christ’s Love,    --  Gail --

2023 July 31, 2023 -  Message from Gail 🥰

God's Amazing Work

Greetings from Pastor Gail,

It has been an amazing July.  So many wonderful occurrences and open doors. I left for the D.R. in a bit of a hurry, because I wanted to visit five different places of ministry – to set things in place, before my four month leave, in order to get a new knee replacement done. 

My first appointment was to meet Ely and Ligia from The Vineyard Church in Santiago. I was able to deliver five projectors and curriculum to begin five new Nation2Nation bible colleges. I ministered at the Bible study for the ladies who have come out of the sex trade and are being discipled in Amy and Keith’s ministry. There were twenty ladies who have given their lives into Jesus’ hands – to live for Him.

When I arrived in the D.R. at four in the morning, I was lovingly greeted by Pastor Ariel and his wife Nelly, and their two children from the House of Hope. I had the joy of working with them in their vacation Bible school with forty children. We sang, we played, we laughed and celebrated Jesus’ Love with all of them. We made paper mache banks out of balloons, paper, glue and oatmeal – into cows, pigs, penguins and unicorns… see pictures.

Next I took a five hour bus ride to visit our mission house in San Cristobal. We met with local pastors and leaders and we set Carlos Miguel and Diana Arias in place as the new Youth Pastors. We counseled and prayed, and saw the power of God heal and set people free from anxiety and depression. Hallelujah! Our God reigns above it all.

The children’s Sunday morning service is filled with the Joy of the Lord. Twenty five children attended. The youth led our Sunday morning worship, and Pastor Lexime from Haiti gave a motivational message. Pastor Franklin and the whole church welcomed him with open arms. There is no division between Haitians and Dominicans in our church. We are a kingdom united. 

At night we had the pleasure of attending Pastor Sem’s Haitian church in Las Palmas. Five of our youth came and Pastor Lexime preached to a hungry crowd, who were celebrating their sixth anniversary of our church. I was overjoyed to set in the temple that God built with His own hands. The power of God was displayed. What an honor to be used by God to plant places of worship that will go on till Jesus returns. Thank You to all of the supporters that makes this possible.

I spent the last few days in Sosua checking on our home there and spending time with our church family and friends from New Life Church. It is wonderful to go forth with Americans, Canadians, Haitians, Dominicans and all of God’s children – to live in peace, harmony, and go forward with the purpose and joy of seeing the kingdom of God advancing and His wonder working power displayed!!

“That all of them may be one just as You, Father are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that You have sent Me”. John 17:21

2023 November Newsletter from Gail

Ministry Updates 

Psalm 71:17-18  “Oh God You have taught me from my youth and to this day, I declare Your wondrous works. Now also when I am old and gray headed, Oh God, do not forsake me, until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your Power to Everyone Who is to come!

To my beautiful friends and supporters, 

I am writing to give you a long needed update on our activities. I have been in NY getting a renewal in my health and vitality since August 11th. I had a right knee replacement done on Sept. 11th and I am so thankful to God for His faithfulness once again! I had a speedy and complete recovery and will return to the Dominican Republic on December 5th.

I will be the speaker for a group of women who have been rescued from sex trafficking. I will work with Amy and Keith from Heart of Hispaniola Ministries at their Christmas Luncheon. Each lady will receive a basket of food and tons of love. Thanks to the Vineyard Ministry of Santiago with Pastors Elpidio, Ligia and Ellie Tavarez. The message will be The Power of Forgiveness Through the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Ariel from the House of Hope in Cienfuegos has asked me to join with the Christmas Craft week for the community center there. We will have a gift giveaway and an annual Christmas drama for all.

There will be outreaches in Las Palmitas in San Cristobal with our churches with Pastor Franklin and Pastor Semi. Gift giveaways for all of the children thanks to your generosity to this ministry. In the midst of the chaos of this world, many new souls are being added to the Kingdom.

We have posted pictures from the activities in July and August. I am featuring a story and picture of Jose Francisco Perez – who has become known all over the world for his musical gifts. He is our poster child on the foundation’s logo at seven years old holding the world in his hands. I gave him his first piano lesson, gave him a piano, guitar, and my father’s violin. He now plays 14 instruments and writes and composes arrangements for the symphony. He is currently in Germany on a fully paid four year scholarship for his masters in music. He came from a very poor family, but with God all things are possible. To God be the Glory! So dare to dream big!

We have provided much needed food to many Haitians struggling with the unrest in both the D.R. and Haiti. Please pray for unity between both nations that share the island of Hispaniola. We also supply an orphanage with food in Haiti each month, as well as much needed food in our Haitian churches in the Dominican Republic. 

While at home in NY, my family surprised me with a 70th Birthday party. It is so joyful to be with my family and friends here and also very hard to leave them. But each of us must follow the “call” as the Holy Spirit leads. The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord! Psalm 37:23-24.

It is wonderful to see the churches all growing and the youth on fire, learning instruments, leading worship and being discipled through the Nation 2 Nation Bible Colleges. We have more than 50 students that have already completed their Associate Degree in Theology through this course.

A Special Thanks to all of you who made the desk project a success! All of the 100 desks have arrived in the schools in the D.R. and are joyfully being used by the children. Thank You for making a difference.

In this season of Thanksgiving, may each one of you remember to Be Thankful unto The One who is watching over you and your families. Happy Thanksgiving!! 

Love in Christ,

Gail Perecky and Reaching the Next Generation. Inc.

We sent 100 desks to Dominican Republic with help of Hyde Park School district, Vineyard Church, Reachout Church, Mary Ann and most of all Jesus Christ!!

Celebrating my 70th Birthday!!

My grandchildren, my heart!!

Jose Francisco Perez Colon.  We provided instruments and Jesus provided talent.  His gift made room for him in more than 20 countries so far praising and glorifying our Great King!!

Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Semi

Albert one of our sponsored students since he was 7 years old. Glory to God for our many high school grads. 

Pastor Jacob runs orphanage with 30 children that we supply food for in Haiti. 

Pastor Wadsen came to USA first time ever to speak at church in Indiana. Real men do wear pink.  Wonderful vision anointed filled message!!

Pastor Semi's church in Las Palmitas. 


Dancing joy in the Spirit with Pastor Semi. 

Jesus will always be the reason I make music!

Making music for him has been one of the greatest privileges I have ever had in my life, and as long as I have my violin in my hands, I will always play it for him!

2023 December Greetings From Gail


Hello friends and family. I would like to tell you my story. This is my story, this is my song: Praising my Savior all the day long. I am so happy that I have the Blessed Assurance that Jesus is mine.  Once long ago, everything seemed like darkness, but now I am in the light. Jesus put a new song in my heart. When I found Jesus almost 50 years ago, or really when He found me, I had everything I needed to live in Him. In Him I live, and move and have my being. He is my all in all. When I am sad, He fills me with Joy. When I am stressed out, He gives me peace. When I am tired, He gives me strength. When I am rejected or disappointed, He gives me comfort. When I am sick, He gives me health. This is Who the Holy Spirit is: My Comforter, My Helper, My very present help in trouble. When I need direction, Jesus is my map. He is my GPS. He is my everything, and I love Him with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength. There is nobody else like Jesus. He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother, and He invites us to come to Him. He says: “Come unto Me when you are weary, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you. Learn of Me. My yoke is easy and My burden is light”. My brothers and sisters, He is our great hope, our joy, and our peace. The Bible says in Isaiah 9:6 “Rejoice, for unto us a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given. And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace”. He is Emmanuel, which means: God with us. 

Precious family, God is with us. He is WITH you, and wants to live IN you. Christ IN us, our hope of glory. Will you take His hand today? He is stretching His hand toward you . Will you give Him your heart?   Jesus said: “I have come that you can have life, and life more abundantly”. He longs to give you a rich, full life, instead of an empty rejected sad one. THE GREAT EXCHANGE!! Will you take His hand today and let Him lead you? This can become your story and your song. Psalm 40:1-5 “I waited patiently for the Lord, and He heard my cry. He brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the mud, and set my feet upon the rock. He has put a new song in my mouth. Hallelujah! Many will see it, and hear and trust in The Lord”. Jesus is our anchor and our living hope. As we allow His light to shine through us, many will see His reflection, and receive His wonderful love. This is the reason for the season.

Merry Christmas, and May God Bless Each One of You, 

Gail Perecky


Description of Pictures and December Outreaches in D.R. 12-5-23 – 12-18-23

It was a wonderful but short trip to the Dominican Republic this December. I started in Sosua visiting

good friends and New Life Church. We had a memorial service for our dear friend and my neighbor:

Bridgett Concoran Martin, who died suddenly in a car accident (see picture with sunflowers).

I had a wonderful time with Pastor Elpidio, Ligia and Eli at their home in Santiago. We did an outreach

for forty ladies who have been rescued from exploitation through the ministry of Keith and Amy “Heart

of Hispanola”. Each lady was given a food basket and a delicious lunch at their safe house where they

received Bible study and counseling.

The same evening, it was my joy and pleasure to visit with Pastor Ariel, Nellie and their children

Sebastian and Santiago at the House of Hope. I watched their Christmas Presentation, complete with

singing, acting and Dominican merengue. Wow! Simply pure joy. The whole community joined in the

dancing…. a true fiesta. Sebastian age 12 and Santiago age 10 are both learning Praise and Worship on

the drums (see photos).

I took a four hour bus ride to visit our two churches in San Cristobal with Pastor Semi and Pastor

Franklin. We prepared more than 150 gifts to give to the children, as well as shoes and clothing for the

adults. Thank You sponsors for always gathering supplies for us – to ship and give away.

We had a baby dedication service at the Haitian church in Las Palmitas. We dedicated eight babies, and

prayed for five older children, whose parents and Godparents wanted to promise before God to raise

them in loving Christian homes, with God’s Word and Holy Spirit sovereign over all!

We gave thanks for the beautiful new ceramic floor that you provided. We gave the children their gifts.

Of course we celebrated with food and with a beautiful Christmas cake for desert. The ladies group,

youth group, and Men’s group each prepared a song and dance to present (see videos).

For my last night in San Cristobal, I got to celebrate another Christmas dinner and gift giveaway at our

mission house. The very first baby boy I dedicated at our church is now 17 years old (see the photo of

me with two teenage boys slanted). The one in the white shirt Jose Emanual was the first baby dedicted

by his mom Tatika in Franklin’s Church. The man in the blue teeshirt with the baseball cap is Damian. He

was the first teenager who was received Jesus in the park ministry seventeen years ago. We all had

dinner together, and gave thanks for all the The Lord has done.

In the pictures of the Haitian church and the baby dedication, there is a picture of two Haitian men with

one lady. I brought these two brothers to the D.R. when they were fifteen years and sixteen years old.

They came back with me from Haiti on a big rescue bus from PORT au PRINCE one month after the

earthquake in 2010. Now Jonathan is a Pastor in Bani, and a leader of a Nation 2 Nation Bible school. His

brother Samuel is married and just promised to raise his daughter for the glory of God.