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Reaching the Next Generation Slideshow

Many have lost everything in recent floods in Haiti. Thank you for your help to our brothers and sisters worldwide.

Haiti children singing updated shorter.mp4

2023 6-15 Fleeing floods in Haiti

2023 6-15 Search in Haiti

2023 6-15 Little boy rescued

2023 7-1 Supplies delivered. 

Real Lives, Real Stories 

Helping with the Hands of Jesus!

Testimony by Mona Morales McCarty  (Gail's niece)

August 2023

It all began one morning when I woke up with a really bad headache. It was so bad that I had to go to the hospital. They gave me a shot for a migraine and it eased up some. But they did, a ct scan that found blood on my brain. They had concern so they transferred me to a second hospital. I had a team of doctors working on my case. They took blood every four hours and did ultrasounds on my brain every day. I had two IVs and many tests. After a week of praying and talking to God and all of my friends and family also praying, they sent me home. The doctors were amazed and said that it was a miracle. I was home for two days and I didn’t feel any better, so I went to the third hospital. The doctors there found out that I had a blood clot in my brain and an abscess in my right arm, which was causing an infection in my bloodstream. So they needed to operate right away. They took me in at 10:30PM and they wound up having to go all the way to the bone. Praise God I still have the use of my arm. They took liquid from my hip and observed me for two and one-half weeks. After this I was transferred to a rehab center. I was not even able to raise my head off the bed. I had been there for three and one-half weeks: praying, interceding in tongues, and quoting scriptures. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. “Without Jesus, I am nothing”. Every day Jesus got me through it all. I am completely healed and do not have to use a walker or a cane. I have full use of my arm. Thank You Jesus!