How YOU Can Make a Difference


There is a coup going on in Haiti. The government has been overtaken by gangs and criminals. The streets are unsafe. There is no president, he was assassinated.  The Prime Minister just stepped down. There is chaos and absolutely no order. Food cannot get through, as the borders are closed. We support an orphanage near Port A Prince, with 27 orphans. They are out of food, and cannot go on the streets and buy more. The Haitian children cannot go to their schools because it is dangerous. Please pray for supernatural intervention. 

The Haitians in the Dominican Republic are forbidden to work now. And the Dominican government is picking up any Haitians seen on the streets in order to deport them. So many are there legally, but are being mistreated. Families are being separated and children are being abandoned, etc. Please pray for peace on the island of Hispaniola – that Dominicans and Haitians can live in harmony, loving one another in the name of Jesus.

Current Special Needs: 

Continued donations for food for Haitians during canal crisis at border... and prayers for peace between Haitians and Dominicans affected by this conflict.  Thank  You!! 

Praise Report!!

Funds have been received to install ceramic flooring in our Haitian Church in Las Palmitas with Pastor Semi.  The church had raised more than half the money themselves for this project!!  Thank  you again for your support!!

Please Team with Us and Impact Lives Through 

Reaching the Next Generation

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."     Matthew 25:40 

Spiritual Ministry Needs

Material Ministry Needs  

You ARE Making a Difference, One Life at a Time!!

Thank You for Your Support!!

Reaching the Next Generation 

- Gail Perecky - 

PO Box 408, Fishkill NY 12524
