The Call to Love
"And a child shall lead them." Isaiah 11:6
Ministry Beginnings
A Child Shall Lead Them
Embrace with God's Love
I came to the Dominican Republic for the first time, about 25 years ago. The Bible says: “And a child shall lead them”. Isaiah 11:6 When my son Jeremiah was 13, he signed up for a youth conference called Acquire the Fire in Boston, MA. Both of the youth pastors got sick, and we were asked by our Pastor to chaperone. Our son indeed got set on fire, and stood up announcing that he was going on a mission trip that summer for 30 days. I said, “You are too young.” He then asked me, “What is the name that you gave to me?” I responded, “Jeremiah.” He then took me to the Bible book of Jeremiah 1:7 which states,
“Do not say you are too young. If I tell you to go and speak to the nations, then go!"
So my son came on a short term Missions Trip to El Baden, Dominican Republic. I believe that the steps of a righteous man or woman are ordered by the Lord. God used our 13 year old son to lead me to my destiny in Christ. He was the first missionary in our household, and went to 12 nations. When he was 15 years old, he went to Ghana Africa, and the Dominican team who had reserved a spot for him asked me to take his place as the Vacation Bible School leader, in the country village of El Baden. After 10 days of teaching these impoverished precious little ones, I fell deeply in love with the children and the nation. While crying for the entire three hour bus ride to the airport, I made a vow and a promise to God: "That I would serve the children and the people of the Dominican Republic one day.” "Hineini.” In Isaiah 6:8 The Lord asks, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”. My response was to volunteer for service:
Here I am Lord, send me. A call from Jesus - my destiny.