Peace Economics

Caruso R. Echevarria J.(2022), International Prices and Continuing Conflict: Theory and Evidence From Sub-Saharan Africa (1980-2017), Journal of Peace Research, 

Baronchelli A., Caruso R., Ricciuti R., (2022) Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons. Are Embargoes Effective? The World Economy, 

Balestra A., Caruso R., (2022), Should Education and Military Expenditures be Combined for Government Economic Policy? The Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 

Balestra A., Caruso R., (2023), Vaccines between War and Market, International Area Studies Review, 

Caruso R., Khadka P., Petrarca I., Ricciuti R., (2017) The economic impact of peacekeeping. Evidence from South Sudan, Defence and Peace Economics, vol. 28, n.2, pp. 250-270   

Caruso R., Di Domizio M., Savage D., (2017), Differences in National Identity, Violence and Conflict in International Sport Tournaments: Hic Sunt Leones! Kyklos, vol. 70, n.4, pp. 511-545 

Caruso R., (2017), Peace Economics and Peaceful Economic Policies, The Economics of Peace and Security Journal, vol. 12, n.2, 

Caruso R., Petrarca I., Ricciuti R., (2016), Climate Change, Rice Crops and Violence. Evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Peace Research, vol. 53, n.1, pp. 66-83. 

Caruso R. (2016), Identity and Incentives: An Economic Interpretation of the Holocaust, in Anderton C., Brauer J. (eds), Economic Aspects of Genocide, Mass Killing, and Their Prevention, Oxford University Press 

McDougal T., Caruso R. (2016), Is there a relationship between wartime violence and postwar agricultural development outcomes? The case of concessions and community grants in Mozambique, Political Geography, 50, 20-32. 

Caruso R., (2015), Beyond Deterrence and Decline, Towards a General Understanding of Peace Economics, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, vol. 128, n.1, pp. 57-74. 

Caruso R., (2012), Differentials in Property Rights in a two-sector Economy, Revue d’Economie Politique, vol.122, n.2, pp.257-278 

Caruso R., (2012). Contest with Cooperative Behavior: a note, Economics Bulletin, vol.32, n.2, pp.1747-1754 

Caruso R., McDougal T., (2012), Wartime Violence and Post-Conflict Political Mobilization in Mozambique, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, vol. 18, n.3. 

Caruso R., (2011), On the nature of Peace Economics, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, vol. 16, n.2, art.1. 

Caruso R., (2010), Butter, Guns and Ice-Cream, Theory and Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Defence and Peace Economics, vol. 21, n.3, pp. 269-283. 

Caruso R. (2009), Il pensiero di Kenneth Boulding, economista irenico. Relazioni sociali tra scambio, dono e coercizione, Storia del Pensiero economico, n.2, pp. 5-30, 

Caruso R. (2008), Reciprocity in the shadow of threat. International Review of Economics, vol.55, n.1/2, pp.91-111. 

Caruso R., (2007), Continuing Conflict and Stalemate: A Note, Economics Bulletin, vol.4, no.17, pp.1-8. 

Caruso R., (2006), A Trade Institution as a Peaceful Institution? A contribution to Integrative Theory, Conflict Management and Peace Science, vol. 23, n. 1, pp. 53-72. 

Caruso R. (2006), Conflict and Conflict Management with Interdependent Instruments and Asymmetric stakes, (The Good-Cop and the Bad-Cop game). Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, vol. 12, no.1. art. 1.