Rarefied Technologies
(SE Asia)
Passionate Innovation
We focus on novel thermo-fluid technologies, technical consulting, specialist know-how and novel heat-exchanger software.
We began with facility energy audits, heat-exchanger designs and rating. This led to novel modular bitumen/thermal oil heating systems that dramatically reduced energy consumption in a very challenging environment. Thereafter we moved into modular shell-and-tube heat-exchangers (MSTHE) and air-blast technologies.
We have consulted to a number of leading international manufacturers on a range of particle-based technologies including aluminium (Composite Deposition Technology) and copper-based (CuproBraze) technologies.
We have extensive experience in the operation and tuning of a range of brazing furnaces, often acting as consultant to furnace manufacturers for novel improvements - radiation, convection, stepped, batch.
We have traveled to over 36 countries in support of our clients.
We have extensive experience in process simulation and computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
We have developed unique 'large data' technologies to interrogate heat-exchanger processes and original equipment manufacturer software. We have mechanized technologies to launch our software in the cloud.
RTCalc is our world-leading plate heat-exchanger (PHE) software. Budget-priced version RTCalc Lite Designer 2024 was released in January 2024.