LAB report 4

LAB 4 report.pdf

This LAB Manual is property of New York City College of Technology.


In Lab 4, my objective was to delve into the essence of Ohm’s Law, a fundamental cornerstone of electrical engineering. The experiment was designed to empirically validate the law by observing the direct proportionality between voltage and current and the inverse proportionality between current and resistance in constructed circuits. This endeavor extended beyond mere theoretical confirmation; it was a journey towards understanding Ohm’s Law's practical nuances through hands-on experimentation and digital simulation.


The methodology adopted a dual approach: physical circuit construction on a breadboard and digital simulation using Multisim software. This combination provided a comprehensive perspective on Ohm’s Law, bridging the gap between theoretical predictions and real-world observations. The breadboard's flexibility allowed for a tangible exploration of circuit behavior, while Multisim offered a digital twin to anticipate outcomes and facilitate direct comparisons.

Observations and Results:

The results were systematically documented, comparing data from Multisim simulations with real-world measurements from the breadboard setups across various circuit configurations. This comparison revealed a consistent linear relationship between voltage and current, affirming Ohm’s Law. Graphical representations further illustrated this proportionality, visually reinforcing the theoretical principles under investigation. While minor discrepancies between expected and measured values were noted, these were critically analyzed to uncover potential sources of error, such as experimental setup inaccuracies or the measuring instruments' limitations.


The exploration reaffirmed Ohm’s Law's validity, showcasing its pivotal role in circuit analysis and design. This experiment was not only a testament to the law's theoretical soundness but also an opportunity to enhance our practical skills in electrical measurements and data evaluation. By navigating the complexities of circuit behavior in both simulated and physical environments, we gained deeper insights into the application of Ohm’s Law in real-world scenarios.

Lab 4 was a pivotal step in my educational journey, enriching my understanding of electrical principles and preparing me for more advanced applications in the field. It underscored the importance of hands-on experimentation in complementing theoretical learning, enriching the educational experience in electrical engineering.