Books and Poems





In "The Singing of the Lamps," Ramses Suarez embarks on a poetic exploration that delves into the metaphysical questions of existence, intertwining lyrical beauty with profound philosophical inquiry. The collection, published in 2020, reflects Suarez's deep contemplation on the essence of being, reality, and the universe's vast mysteries. Through his poetry, Suarez challenges the reader to both feel and understand the layers of meaning embedded within the human experience and the natural world.

The prologue sets the tone for the collection, emphasizing that poetry is a medium through which life's waves and their retreating nature can be both felt and comprehended. Suarez posits that through the dual faculties of intelligence and sensitivity, poetry serves as a bridge between the tangible and the abstract, inviting a dialogue between the poet's inner world and the external reality.

Throughout the collection, Suarez navigates the spaces between light and shadow, seeking redemption and caresses in the cold, winter landscape. His poetry acts as a medium for creative expression, where form and content are intricately linked, and the transfiguration of reality is paramount for transcendent experience.

Suarez's work is positioned within the tradition of metaphysical poetry, aiming to uncover the deeper truths of existence beyond sensory perception. Through the use of vivid imagery, metaphors, and symbols, Suarez translates his intuitive grasp of the world into poetic reflections that probe the essence of life, death, love, and pain.

The collection evokes a sense of awe and puzzlement at the cosmos's vastness, with the poet's voice serving as a guide through the exploration of existential themes. Suarez's poetry, rich with metaphysical lyricism, seeks not just to question but to unveil the meaning beneath the surface of reality, offering insights into the universal and eternal truths of human existence.

"The Singing of the Lamps" is a testament to Ramses Suarez's profound engagement with the metaphysical dimensions of poetry. It invites readers to embark on a reflective journey that transcends the immediate sensory world, urging them to consider the deeper meanings that underpin our existence and the universe at large.


It took some time to get this book published on the Apple Book Store due to Apple's stringent requirements and my initial lack of access to a computer running macOS to create an Apple-compliant EPUB. However, after overcoming these challenges, I am pleased to announce that my book is now successfully published on the Apple Book Store (iBooks). The book has been enhanced for EPUB, ensuring a seamless reading experience. I have also formatted it to display as single pages instead of double pages, addressing an issue with Apple Pages that can split the content incorrectly if not properly set to single-page mode during publishing.

In future updates, I plan to incorporate an audiobook version into both the Google Play and Apple iBooks versions of my book. Additionally, I will publish it on Amazon and other digital book retailers that are convenient for emerging authors and publishers. Publishing on Amazon will be a significant update for the Apple Book Store version, as it will generate an ISBN for my book. For anyone considering copying this work, please be aware that this book is copyrighted, and the ISBN does not imply that it is unprotected from plagiarism. I look forward to updating and enhancing my work in the times to come.